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Humaning Through Desire
My younger son wanted a puppy more than anything in the world. He was very consistent over time with asking, begging, pleading…the desire didn’t dwindle for him. It was almost three full years of him asking, and me saying it wasn’t quite the right time. I wanted timing, resources, being ready myself, to all line up.
After all, getting the puppy wasn’t going to be just for him or for both kids…the puppy would be mine full time to take care of when the kids aren’t with me, which is roughly half the time…so I also had to make the conscious choice of opening up to the life changing event for myself. I hadn’t had a pet in 7 years…
Hopes, dreams, goals, and plans
Like layers and layers of clothes
Ego dressing to the nines
Soul he hardly knows
What more could be expected
When in the family line
Survival was the name of the game
And grapes die on the vine
Desire led him down the path
Of family rooted in love
Contrast at an early age
Lack from up above
He knew he wanted different
as different, was he
And off he went in search of her
8 years old to be…
I noticed the presence of a Rhino in a tree in the side yard today.
The Rhino is even stated by some to be the reference of Unicorns in the Bible.
In the Dream Arc, the Rhino is associated with the gift of the 38th Gene Key: Perseverance.
I’m reminded that this is my South Node - 38.1 in Personality, 38.5 in Design.
I move closer and closer to the age of transition into the North Node portion of the story.
Even then…perseverance has played its part, and continues to do so…
January of 2024 had (seemingly) 70 something days in it before it finally moved on. February is only half way over, but it feels like it may outlast January’s reign.
February 1st marked the day my son Jasper experienced an avulsion fracture of his right patella, found through X-ray that day, and that alone began a journey. Only two days later, on February 3rd, I was notified that a cat I affectionately helped raise many years ago, maybe I dare even say “co-parented”, had to be put down. In the midst of my son’s happenings, I had tabled processing this loss.
Lots of proceedings for Jasper’s injury ensued. Many calls, several doctor visits, a second opinion, coordinations and some scheduling later, Jasper had surgery on his right knee on Thursday the 15th. I literally became exhausted during that journey though, in the path to surgery, exploring avenues. After the initial X-Ray, there was an MRI done, to which surgery was the recommendation. In an effort to get a second opinion to validate that surgery was needed, there were several dead-ends encountered, and obstacles such as not being able to get in for a visit for weeks.
The final leg of that journey was an experience of resolve and even divine will, however. An avenue explored on Tuesday the 13th, led to an in-person visit on Wednesday the 14th that confirmed surgery was needed, and the second opinion doctor and facility felt right, so it was decided to pursue surgery there, to which they had an opening the very next day of Thursday the 15th.
I come back to a time of rest from that process, and aloneness to contemplate this and the dear cat, to write this blog. The cat’s name was Jorie. I am one who gives nicknames a lot, and the first nickname she had was JoJo. That evolved when I told my dad back then about our cat JoJo, to which he smirked and said “Mojo JoJo!” - a reference to a supervillain character in the cartoon (and archenemy to the) Powerpuff Girls. Mojo JoJo stuck for me at that point, and I would toggle between the three. She had other nicknames given to her, such as Boo and Nan. I had to inquire with Jen on how long it had been - Jorie had lived 20 years, which is a decent life for a cat. Jorie had only been in my immediate life for a small amount of the beginning of those years, but I loved her much the same as every other pet I ever had, and treated her as if she were my own. I’ve owned a lot of cats in my life, and yet I’m allergic to them (see, love hurts). It was just about 9 months ago that Jen told me she was worried about Jorie, that she was acting weird, and I sent Reiki to her. Jorie was the last cat I had, and thus the most recent one I held a bond with that left a personal mark in my heart and soul. She will be missed, and in her honor, I’m placing her picture as the image for this blog. I can only imagine the depth of the loss for Jen, who had her for the duration of Jorie’s life.
I went to the Dream Arc earlier tonight and looked up Cat. Of course, it’s associated with Gene Key 40, and the Gift of Resolve. “Unlock Your Design” labels 40 with the Archetype of “The Father”, and I immediately saw the correlation to my son and Jorie in this…
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Pearl
“Interference…the word has a nature of obstruction to it. This is true. The 44th key centers around “human fractals”. These fractals are groups of people bound by patterns on a similar frequency. The nature of this shadow, when evident from the start in a dysfunctional family that one is born into, can be maddening…seemingly endless, seemingly perpetual. I felt this interference from my first memories. I lived this interference into adulthood. I saw the interference through the family tree as I built it in a genealogy site, tracing back generation by generation and researching the issues of each layer that was known or told to me in conversations, which gave clearer pictures of what I chose to be born into. Its some of this interference that became some of my goals to eradicate in my own intimate relationships, and those of my family. It was the humbling in the process to find that it wasn’t as easy as having the intention to break the molds…I was going to have to experience some of the same pain myself, and choose paths of response and change from the perspective of the experiencer, rather than the observer. For a long time, I felt like I was in the wrong place and in the wrong time. I wasn’t the same as them. In this age, I understand that I was in the right place and the right time, even if it felt chaotic. As a matter of fact, a twist of fate maybe…I feel in a way as though *I* was THE interference, in the process with my immediate family. I felt like the oddball in my intimate relationships and many friendships, the one that didn’t fit while the others seemed to blend with society around them. Yet, it is the process of learning those lessons that the biological family and the intimate relationships were providing. I feel I’ve experienced both the repressive and the reactive nature of this key’s shadow - distrustful with people due to previous experiences, and misjudging for the same reason. There is also a tie in at the shadow level with hierarchy…comparison and tiers of value that separate people…”
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Brand
“The link through all of this for me is humor. I have to say that I’m glad that this is in my design and path, because I don’t think I’d want to do life without laughing. In respect to the Brand sphere, the humor is about changing the way people feel about themselves, in a positive way. It isn’t humor as a distraction from life, in the way that people use coping mechanisms like alcohol, drugs, sex, and so on…but rather first-hand experience in the pain and emotions felt in life; and a knowing that, at least internally, things can change for the better, if you allow yourself the opportunities to. Humor, to me, is a way that people can universally find shifts inside of themselves. You may think that it was the person bringing the humor that shifted you, but you were the one who found it funny and responded to what life was giving you in the moment…and whether you’re aware of the shift or not, you made the shift to a more positive place with laughter. Something that feels good, something organic, something that doesn’t numb away the pain. You take the light that’s been inside of you all along, and allow it to penetrate through the walls that the pain has built…and you get to do it with JOY. There is no “coming back down to Earth” like when the high/numb of the alcohol or drugs wears off and you’re just back to the pain as it was…you have shifted into a different perspective internally through laughter. Again, if you so choose.
They say it’s about “changing the way others feel about themselves”…I say it’s about showing by example, a way of self re-igniting the furnace of joy inside and letting it incinerate impurities on the way out.”
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Culture
“The Pathway of Initiative is one that I feel I’ve been on constantly. The challenge of this pathway is to bring forth your creativity in ways that only you can. I’ve gone through a lot of questioning whether I had any creativity, into rebelling against anyone else’s templates, and then quite simply finding ways to express my uniqueness (including starting this website to blog on). A stripping away of external societal motivations such as money, status, fame, and material gains, and really getting down to what is inside, PERIOD.
Richard speaks of a right formula for initiative being a blend of tenderness and passion. It is an evolutionary discovery of passion while having tenderness that I go through.
It’s also synchronistic for me that this path holds the name of the 51st gift, and that Siddhi of Awakening speaks of how we each have to find our own path to awakening, “striking out alone” as Richard comments, saying “everything about this pathway is about going at it alone in the beginning”. I have a Midheaven in Aries in 51.5. The Midheaven being about career, public life, highest aspirations; Aries in this spot embodying independence, trailblazing, being a leader, and following one’s own instincts. I go beyond even “career” in this idea…I’m not interested in bringing my uniqueness out and then “wrapping it in a different package for the same old market”. I’m interested in very simply being authentic me and letting that be the example I lead by…”
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Vocation
A couple of those sentences really stick out for me:
1) We will not attain the perfection our mind is looking for.
It is quite the hit to the mind when it understands that the Core Wound flavor of Gene Key 18 is Judgment, and the Siddhi is Perfection itself, to have an upfront understanding that the Siddhi will not be obtained as the mind would see it.
2) The Gift frequency is where the Holy Grail lives.
The Gift of 18 is Integrity. There is such perfection in integrity, such purity. There is also a lot of integrity missing in society. We’ve gone away from the core of who we are in order to fulfill societal expectations, achieve status that society pedestalizes, and obtain material belongings for the sake of how we are perceived by others as a way to give us a sense of belonging and connection. There are a lot of people who have struggled with split energy, myself included, over living within this system because it is what IS, and staying in integrity to self when it pulls us away from what we know to be.
As mentioned above, the SQ opening triggers the vulnerability of the Vocation. For me, the SQ is 23, the Gift of Simplicity. I have felt this in my body…the release of complexity, the letting go of things that did not resonate, the return to simple focus of what makes me energized and excited and light up…coincides perfectly with being in integrity. Things feel complex when we have to “make them happen”, or “fight for things to work”. They feel complex, in part, when we are attempting to make other’s journeys fit ours in order to maintain connections or some of the benefits we receive from others. There is a fine line, yet such a difference, between forcing things to work to maintain our integrity, and focusing on our integrity and lettings things fall into alignment with it. I learned that I do not want anyone in my life that doesn’t want to be there, and vice versa. I do not want to get involved in engagements, commitments, or activities where my integrity is compromised. I’ve worked on honoring my “no” when that is the answer that comes from within. “No” has become my default, for anything that doesn’t feel like my soul jumped towards it. For me, starting from a baseline of minimalism and simplicity is helpful, so that listening to the intuition is not drowned out by all the information coming in when wide open…
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Core
“My Core sphere holds Gene Key 18.5. Gene Key 18 goes from the Shadow of Judgment, through the Gift of Integrity, to the Siddhi of Perfection. The 5th line in this sphere is “Guilt/Forgiveness”.
This key, in this sphere…whewwwww. The 18th key also governs the mental body (IQ sphere, in which mine is 64.2, so imagine how judgment also leads to confusion and plays into the whole mental trap). It is said that the 18th shadow has a built-in need to challenge authority, and that this process really begins when we enter that 3rd trimester of 14-21 years of age (IQ sphere). I certainly challenged authority of my parents, especially because they lived a way I did not ever want to…”
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - SQ
As we realize the gifts in the EQ sphere, we break open into the Pathway of Love:
This is a breaking open, because it’s a flooding of love that had been blocked for some time. Maybe not permanently, but certainly not to its fullest potential. It is said that this is the release of love from DNA.
If you look at the picture I have uploaded for the blog, it is the “Sword in the Stump”. In 2015, a now 150-year old white ash tree that was dying, was cut down to a stump in my local neighborhood. The following year, a local artist created a replica of Excalibur and installed it on the stump. This fixture had been around for 7 years, until just a couple days ago when the stump was entirely removed. There is symbolism in seeing that today and this blog, because it reminded me that only YOU can remove Excalibur from the dam of your Pathway of Love, and when you do…you become the royalty in the kingdom of your heart and soul; you claim it.
I also wanted to point out another correlation here, between the “dam” in the Pathway of Love and the cleansing of the pipes to allow the flow through the heart that Michael Singer speaks of in “Living Untethered”, with a visual here…
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - EQ
This pathway is about open and clear communication, led from the heart when relating to others. This pathway takes a different name at the Shadow level - the Pathway of Defense. If we allow our lower frequency mental (IQ sphere) teenage pattern to rule us, we would tend to trigger the other person’s lower frequency emotional (EQ sphere) defense strategy, which then triggers our shadow frequency IQ pattern to engage. This is a back-and-forth struggle, also known as the “Eden Loop”. If you’ve ever felt like the person you’re talking to just “doesn’t listen”, doesn’t “get you”, and emotions flare up both ways, it is worth looking into both your IQ and EQ sphere shadows and contemplating them. Releasing from this loop requires letting go of defenses, to allow yourself to feel what you feel, and communicate that to the other without expectation that you will be heard, yet at the same time in a way that does not active their defense trigger. Dropping down into authenticity is the key.
The EQ sphere is about the ages of 7-14 and the emotional development during that time. It is said that “the Shadow of this Gene Key governs your primary emotional defence mechanism, which is the set pattern you adopted as a child whenever you felt unsafe”…
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - IQ
Taking the next jump, we cross the Pathway of Karma…
This pathway deals with karma as the transformational aspects of relationships that lead to the growth. What is most important for me to note here is the corroboration of the usage of samskaras between the Gene Keys (noted as “sanskaras” in the Venus Sequence in the section on the Pathway of Karma) and Michael Singer’s work in “Living Untethered”, and the part it plays in our journey.
From the Venus Sequence:
”In the Venus Sequence, we might view the sanskaras as a biogenetic sequence of codes that you inherited at the point of conception. As aspects of the sacred wound, your sanskaras are like a series of subtle memory slates stored inside your being, and each one refracts your view of life like a lens. Without your sanskaras, you would see life as it truly is, infinite and pure. However, your sanskaras skew your view of reality, making your life more challenging. Thus your sanskaras must be understood, purified, and transformed over the course of your life. This is their true purpose – to unlock the pathway to a higher consciousness, and to release the enormous healing capacity of the heart to love unconditionally.
Your Venus Sequence shows you the precise nature of your sanskaras as a sequence designed to be unlocked in a specific order. The Venus Sequence reveals to us how our sanskaras distort our awareness through the stages and cycles of our childhood. The unconscious patterns of the sacred wound are laid down in a sequence, and they can be unlocked and transformed in a sequence.”
From “Living Untethered”:
“Whether you use your will to resist or cling, these leftover impressions will stay in your mind. You’ve now created an entire layer of mind that’s holding your samskaras, your unfinished patterns from the past. You will come to see that these acts of clinging and resisting determine the quality of your life. These impressions distract your consciousness from the reality of the current moment. What is more, if you are constantly distracted by these samskaras in your mind, you’re never going to experience who you really are…”
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Attraction
My Attraction sphere holds Gene Key 2.4. Gene Key 2 goes from the Shadow of Dislocation, through the Gift of Orientation, to the Siddhi of Unity. The 4th line in this sphere is about Frigidity and Romance.
The perception of Dislocation is a work of art. If I were to put on a ViewMaster (80’s kids know what I’m talking about) and review the slides of my life in this incarnation, I could recall countless times where I thought I was lost, or out of place, or not connected at all to anything around me. Watching people partake in substances, doing things, groups and groups of them all over acting in certain ways that all seemed like they bonded over these aspects and enjoyed their lives, and yet there I am observing on the outside thinking, “what’s wrong with me? Why don’t I like that? Why don’t I fit in? Why don’t I seem good enough? Why don’t I have interest in what the majority of people around me have interest in?” When the numbers aren’t in your favor, you certainly question yourself. The questioning for me rooted in wanting to connect, wanting to belong, wanting to enjoy life…but also knowing that what I was experiencing was not it for me.
This is the art of Dislocation. This illusion brings us to places of despair, places of emptiness, of feeling broken. Yet is it through that brokenness that is the very answer being given. The breaking through of the illusion around you, and opening up to the truth within you. For me, trying things to connect with those around me when there was no sense of belonging, only led me further into self-inquiry. It was MY experience that was different than those around me, so why is that? What was the part of me that was looking for something different, something more aligned with self (even though I wasn’t aware of this in those moments)? Irony showed up in the times where I looked to match other’s frequency in order to connect, only to feel more lost than I did when I was simply being and observing the differences around me. Hidden in plain sight of this abstract art is the lesson of authenticity…of discovering self. Without the contrast of society and circumstances, there may never be the inquisition of self.
There is also what I feel is a direct link between being dislocated and being frigid in the context of relationships, especially with the layer of illusions of where the dislocation and frigidity is. When I’ve felt not connected in relationships, I became hyper-attuned to the frigidity of the other - and it wasn’t untrue…but what I had to acknowledge was the possibility that I was dislocated, and frigidity comes by nature in that case as well. Yearning for closeness and intimacy, especially with this 4th line, I’d dislocate for the sake of connection, and ultimately ice myself from my own alignment, perpetuating the sense of being on the outside. I did this several times in life because of this desire for unity. I hadn’t experienced where I could be rooted in my authenticity, attracting from that magnetism, and maintain a relationship from that place…
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Venus Sequence Purpose
As a refresher, my Purpose sphere is the 11.5. Gene Key 11 goes from the Shadow of Obscurity, through the Gift of Idealism, to the Siddhi of Light. However, in this sequence, this sphere’s line 5 theme is “The Victim/The Leader”.
The Victim role plays very much into obscurity, as it is all about being wrapped up in the mind. I’ve been there many times in my life, stuck in my head, thinking things through logically - approaching brick walls in the logic and feeling dejected. This has been a process in relationships, and even potential relationships, in my life. I utilize what I would come to know as a power of this 11th key and see all the potentials for a relationship, and if none of them were satisfactory, I would not even entertain it at all. If there was a potential that interested me and I chose to open up to the relationship, and then it ended in a way other than the potential, I would get lost in the head questioning myself and my beliefs. I saw this potential! It’s there! How did this go wrong? I communicated the desire for this potential, and it was reciprocated then…I did everything I could to ensure that the potential was realized. What did I miss? Was I not good enough? I’m no one’s cup of tea. You name it, I thought it. I experienced the emotions of those thoughts. Yet, lost in the obscurity of those thoughts, the beliefs that came from them. Disconnected from my inner being. Disconnected from the light and the idealism within this gift.
The Leader in this line comes through first and foremost when leading the self through the misery of obscurity, back into alignment. The obscurity provides great lessons on importance, value, owning self, healthy boundaries and more. It’s through this dip that the Leader can take the ideal paths presented with the gift of the 11 and hold the hand of self and walk together out of shadow. In the face of what seems like insurmountable chasms, this Leader allows divinity to provide mystical bridges that dissolve the mental cage of limitations and show that not only are potentials possible, but that they can be realized through alignment…
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Activation Sequence Purpose
The Purpose sphere in the Activation Sequence - what deeply fulfills me. My Purpose sphere is the 11.5. Gene Key 11 goes from the Shadow of Obscurity, through the Gift of Idealism, to the Siddhi of Light. The 5th line in this sphere is about voice and frequency.
I certainly spent much of my life in obscurity. When I had already started off life by feeling like I was supposed to be somewhere else, it was a focus on all things outside of me. I think that’s natural as people come into this world, discovering all that this life is about…but all I had to go on INSIDE of me was a deep sense of being lost; so instead of paying attention to my internal feelings, I focused on trying to figure out what was going on externally. This was compounded by a volatile home environment in childhood, to where anticipation and anxiety and stress of what will go on around me became normal. It shouldn’t be this way, I thought. There were times I simply felt forgotten. When my parents would drop my brothers and I off at our grandma’s for the weekend, and it became almost every weekend, I caught on to what was their focus at the time. When I entered a 5k fun run around 6 years old with one of my brothers, and at the shot of the gun to start the race my brother took off leaving me in a sea of strangers, I began to cry and sat down by a tree.
This led to the creation of beliefs about myself, my value and existence, and ironically one of those was that I wasn’t creative. I’d see my mother, brothers, and friends paint and draw with a natural skill, and so I tried to as well - and it just didn’t go well. When I was young, if a blank canvas or white paper was put in front of me and I was prompted to paint or draw something, I couldn’t come up with anything at all. I wondered how it was possible that people did this…to create from seeming scratch, through their mind. Maybe I’m just not meant to be creative either. Every way that I WAS creative, I dismissed it from being creative, as if it wasn’t good enough to be creative. I did that…
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Radiance
The Radiance sphere - what keeps me healthy. My Radiance sphere is the 12.5. Gene Key 12 goes from the Shadow of Vanity, through the Gift of Discrimination, to the Siddhi of Purity. The 5th line theme is Impact, and the 5th line is also about voice and frequency. I go back many years ago in contemplation for this key.
In childhood, the struggle of feeling so different from the environment I grew up in was real. I didn’t have a concept of WHY I felt so different, it was just THERE. My parents used substances to cope with problems, and so did everyone else around them from what I could tell. There was the masking of “having a good time” applied to a lot of the get togethers and places we went, but it was easy or sense all the discord and pain in those around. I didn’t understand how it equated to “having a good time”…it felt inauthentic. Yet, it was everywhere, and when the vast majority of people around you are saying or doing something and you’re not, you tend to question yourself on whether you’re the one who has a problem. One may think, “come on, in childhood, you’d have been too young to partake in substances like that to even know what the experience was like for the adults”…and to that I would say, “not so.” I was introduced to alcohol at a very young age, had my first sips of beer when I was two (yes, I remember), tried some of my dad’s Bacardi and Coke when I told him I could handle it as a 3-4 year old, later into adolescence would have wine coolers on New Year’s Eves, and on and on through the early years. I smoked my first cigarette when I was six. Smoking didn’t stick, and alcohol was given a much longer period of chance in my life, but just wasn’t for me either. I tried some of these things, and I tried first in order to live in the world of those around me…
Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Evolution
The Evolution sphere - what I’m here to learn. My Evolution sphere is the 36.3. Gene Key 36 goes from the Shadow of Turbulence through the Gift of Humanity to the Siddhi of Compassion. The keynotes for Line 3 when it comes to the Evolution sphere are “Energy and Experience” - that it is about the experiences had, and not the destination - and to “break out of need for attention/approval by doing things without agenda.” In the first blog of the series, I mentioned that I was born into an emotionally turbulent environment, and full of conflict. Conflict and Turbulence being the Shadow frequencies of these two spheres for me, it has been easy to see how these themes have played their roles from the start, and the desire to climb out of them. As a young child in that environment, I went through the repressive nature of the 36 - Nervousness. Trying to resist the turbulence happening outside, in addition to trying to find peace at any cost. At that period of life and in those situations, getting peace was whatever pleased the parents enough to diffuse their volatility, or getting away. There was constant anticipation of what could happen next. Of course, the external turbulence and conflict back then was out of my control, and I didn’t know that there was nothing I could do to release and integrate these energies for others - that was their work - but I also didn’t have the presence of mind to allow myself to feel the turbulence and release it. I was scared too many times, and nothing was changing it for the better. It was an automatic anxiety, a tensing up, whenever alcohol or any other substance was in the picture. Protect myself. The work later on became being aware of the patterned bodily reactions showing up when the environment was no longer the same, but similar energy in others was present. Through progression and time, I have practiced becoming the observer of these nervous and anxious energies inside of me when they surface, or when I’m confronted with them from the external…and grasping that I am not those energies, I am experiencing them. From this stable, calm, peaceful place of observation, I am able to respond with clarity, while creating and upholding boundaries to not allow myself to accept responsibility for what comes from the external; this is being able to release the tension and respond from an internal authority rather than the anxious mind.
There has only been one thing more difficult in this life than relationships for me, and that has been being human. If you look at that in reverse, you can see a resistance in being human that can easily lead to a difficulty in relationships with humans. My childhood makes logical sense on why it has been a struggle to accept being human, but it goes deeper than that for me. I’ve really felt that way since birth. In Human Design, I bear by design the incarnation cross called the “Right Angle Cross of Eden 3”: one who is upset about being cast out of Eden and put into this world…and boy do I ever resonate with that. It also speaks that over time, I carry the energy to go out and explore the world, finding a slice of Eden here and sharing it with those around me. I feel it in my soul, that I am here to create Heaven on Earth in a way that I then share with others, and understand that it is going to be an evolution to do so. I do have moments, to this day, of questioning why I’m human, but they are becoming less and less, as I open up more. The Gift of Humanity in the 36th Gene Key is about going through great suffering, and in turn, understanding and accepting the suffering of being human and to hold space for others in doing so. The tandem work of the Gift in the 6th Key, Diplomacy, brings these two frequencies up simultaneously when letting go of victimhood and being able to communicate clearly with others…