Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Pearl
Leaving the Brand Sphere, we are approaching the end of the Golden Path. To get there, we cross the final pathway in the Golden Path, the Pathway of Service:
This pathway, seemingly self-evident in name, is about service to the whole. It would be so easy to get mentally caught up in this pathway, like dropping an anchor in the water yet again, at the enigmatic thought of “How can I be of service to the whole? What do I really have to offer that isn’t already offered?” It’s here that I’ve spent many days, weeks, months, even years, in question. It’s the pondering of that question that is the anchor of inertia. This is because, once again, the focus has left the seat of consciousness internally, and switched to everything external. A separation once again occurs. A leaving of the Garden of Eden. Service to the whole is compromised when the service comes from a disconnected state. Giving “all of yourself” at the expense of your own divine connection is a forfeiting of your essence’s natural expression. Direction becomes unknown, drive becomes faint, purpose feels lost. It’s only as temporary as you let it be, however. I see this pathway, more and more, as a reminder of one’s soul and its choice to incarnate into this physical life to express itself through its connection to consciousness directly. To me, service of self is service to the whole.
If you notice in the picture above, I mentioned the “final pathway”, but that pathway didn’t lead to the Pearl Sphere…it led back to the Vocation Sphere. As Richard puts it:
“There is no Pathway to the Pearl. The Pearl is a crystallisation of all the Pathways that comprise the Golden Path. The Pearl grows inside your being like a child in utero.”
My Pearl Sphere holds 44.2. Gene Key 44 transforms the Shadow of Interference through the Gift of Teamwork, into the Siddhi of Synarchy. Line 2 in the Pearl sphere is “Recognition”.
Interference…the word has a nature of obstruction to it. This is true. The 44th key centers around “human fractals”. These fractals are groups of people bound by patterns on a similar frequency. The nature of this shadow, when evident from the start in a dysfunctional family that one is born into, can be maddening…seemingly endless, seemingly perpetual. I felt this interference from my first memories. I lived this interference into adulthood. I saw the interference through the family tree as I built it in a genealogy site, tracing back generation by generation and researching the issues of each layer that was known or told to me in conversations, which gave clearer pictures of what I chose to be born into. Its some of this interference that became some of my goals to eradicate in my own intimate relationships, and those of my family. It was the humbling in the process to find that it wasn’t as easy as having the intention to break the molds…I was going to have to experience some of the same pain myself, and choose paths of response and change from the perspective of the experiencer, rather than the observer. For a long time, I felt like I was in the wrong place and in the wrong time. I wasn’t the same as them. In this age, I understand that I was in the right place and the right time, even if it felt chaotic. As a matter of fact, a twist of fate maybe…I feel in a way as though *I* was THE interference, in the process with my immediate family. I felt like the oddball in my intimate relationships and many friendships, the one that didn’t fit while the others seemed to blend with society around them. Yet, it is the process of learning those lessons that the biological family and the intimate relationships were providing. I feel I’ve experienced both the repressive and the reactive nature of this key’s shadow - distrustful with people due to previous experiences, and misjudging for the same reason. There is also a tie in at the shadow level with hierarchy…comparison and tiers of value that separate people.
It is a real experience, as you learn the lessons behind repeating patterns in your relationships, to shift out of them. There is a perceived gap in life at that point…a purgatory of sorts. You’re not where you once were, and you’re also not where you want to be yet. Inevitably, others show up. Things seem better, seem more balanced. You question how “bad” the other people must have been, or how “bad” you must have been, to be where you once were…but its really just a perception of what frequency that you are on at any given time, and that it’s not about the story of others…its about your story and your frequency.
The concept behind the Gift of Teamwork in this 44th key is recognizing who belongs in your life. This gift carries the ability to sense the smell of people in alignment with your own fractal, specifically within close physical proximity, including undetectable odors such as pheromones and even hormonal signals. When this aspect is realized, when the fractal is discovered and assembled, its said that the dynamics would be nothing short of awesome, with total trust and total love. In my own life, I’ve seen glimpses of this. I’ve experienced some souls entering my life and cohesiveness with spirituality conversations and explorations happened for quite some time. I’ve also seen shifts in my own immediate family, where we came together closer after years of sparse communication. It isn’t perfect, and likely never will be, but the frequency changed for the better, and I didn’t drop back down to stay connected. This was evidence of the reduction of Interference.
The way the Golden Path describes the Pearl as being the crystallization of all the pathways joining together, in combination with my 44th Gift of Teamwork, I can’t help but see a Captain Planet and the Planeteers situation happening:
“Our world is in peril. Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet. She sends five magic rings to five special young people: Kwame, from Africa, with the power of Earth... From North America, Wheeler, with the power of Fire... From Eastern Europe, Linka, with the power of Wind. From Asia, Gi, with the power of Water... and from South America, Ma-Ti, with the power of Heart. When the five powers combine, they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet. Go Planet! The power is yours!”
I know I still have work to do with interference on an individual level, and the cleaning out of interference patterns in the DNA, because the lack of fractal in my personal, physical life on a high frequency shows me so. As the Field of Dreams boasted, “If you build it, they will come…” It starts with self and the shifting within. I’m still very much into solitary function, with glimpses of the fractal coming in.
The Siddhi of Synarchy. Synarchy is a component of the Codon Ring of Illuminati, comprising of the 44th and the 50th Gene Keys. The feel of this Codon Ring to me, is souls coming together within a high frequency, to raise the consciousness and work towards a New Earth. Maybe not so ironically, I have the 44.2 as my Pearl, and the 50.5 as my Culture, encapsulating the Codon Ring of Illuminati in my Pearl Sequence. I’ve always had a low-key fascination with secret societies, and a feeling that there was more beyond daily living…and with the insight of these Gene Keys, it brings a tangible aspect to those thoughts.
Richard speaks of how the Three Source Codes, or three primary fractal lines from which all others originated, are accessible via the 44th Siddhi; that the master program” of the overall fractal pattern of our universe has a built-in design to evolve beyond itself; and that the emergence of core fractals (said to be 144,000 of them) of enlightened beings or masters are to awaken dormant code within the overall program.
Synarchy removes any need for hierarchy. Each unit in the group fulfills a particular role that none of the others can fulfill, creating a mesh of leadership that blends together as one. An analogy he uses is being part of an orchestra, finding your section, and playing in concert with the other sections into symphony…while each one also contains the conductor role.
I’ve yet to get a taste of this symphony, and I have hope. I know I’m doing my individual part (no matter how slow or fast I progress), focusing on authentic self and bringing that forth to the world.
The line 2 of “Recognition” is about recognizing and being recognized at a soul level. The Pearl is about prosperity, and prosperity comes in relationships connected at the soul level in my eyes. It’s been a long desire of mine to have an intimate relationship where there is soul deep recognition and connection, and in friendships and other relationships as well. The notion of finding people who “get me”, and who “I get”. I’ve always said that “I will know, when I know”.
I do look forward to the total recognition of the higher purpose overall that is hidden inside of me, peeping out bits at a time, giving clues as I plug in puzzle pieces, and the souls that will enter my life as a result of such progression…whether for a season, or a lifetime.