Gene Keys Golden Path Series - IQ

Taking the next jump, we cross the Pathway of Karma:

This pathway deals with karma as the transformational aspects of relationships that lead to the growth. What is most important for me to note here is the corroboration of the usage of samskaras between the Gene Keys (noted as “sanskaras” in the Venus Sequence in the section on the Pathway of Karma) and Michael Singer’s work in “Living Untethered”, and the part it plays in our journey.

From the Venus Sequence:

”In the Venus Sequence, we might view the sanskaras as a biogenetic sequence of codes that you inherited at the point of conception. As aspects of the sacred wound, your sanskaras are like a series of subtle memory slates stored inside your being, and each one refracts your view of life like a lens. Without your sanskaras, you would see life as it truly is, infinite and pure. However, your sanskaras skew your view of reality, making your life more challenging. Thus your sanskaras must be understood, purified, and transformed over the course of your life. This is their true purpose – to unlock the pathway to a higher consciousness, and to release the enormous healing capacity of the heart to love unconditionally.

Your Venus Sequence shows you the precise nature of your sanskaras as a sequence designed to be unlocked in a specific order. The Venus Sequence reveals to us how our sanskaras distort our awareness through the stages and cycles of our childhood. The unconscious patterns of the sacred wound are laid down in a sequence, and they can be unlocked and transformed in a sequence.”

From “Living Untethered”:

“Whether you use your will to resist or cling, these leftover impressions will stay in your mind. You’ve now created an entire layer of mind that’s holding your samskaras, your unfinished patterns from the past. You will come to see that these acts of clinging and resisting determine the quality of your life. These impressions distract your consciousness from the reality of the current moment. What is more, if you are constantly distracted by these samskaras in your mind, you’re never going to experience who you really are.”

It is thus then said in the Venus sequence that the imprinting of the sacred wound and the separation from wholeness relates to a division of the wound in each of the three trimesters of pregnancy as we come into this world, and that 7-year cycles extrapolate those divisions:

Along this Golden Path, we will walk backwards to birth for the next few spheres, and we start with the third trimester and the IQ sphere.

My IQ sphere holds Gene Key 64.2. Gene Key 64 goes from the Shadow of Confusion, through the Gift of Imagination, to the Siddhi of Illumination. The 2nd line in this sphere is The Brilliant Mind (Provocative).

My first year in this segment of 14-21 was met with swift mental and emotional change. My grandmother, who was my last living grandparent at that time and was the glue of the family in my eyes, passed away a month before I turned 15. She had said that she was not going to leave this world until our family came together - and my parents and brothers and I were quite fragmented. In the two years prior to the start of this trimester, my parents had abruptly kicked my older brother out of the house, and he wasn’t even legally an adult yet. He would live with my best friend’s parents for months. Their reasons for kicking him out didn’t seem to make sense then, and I felt the pain of the event. I believe that my Grandma’s deteriorating health was actually what brought the family a little bit closer, including my older brother returning home. When she felt we were at least coming together, I believe that’s when she began to let go. I remember the last several months of her life, she developed what sounds now like aphasia (as I look it up) - the loss of the ability to speak, and dementia of some form to where she didn’t recognize us and would moan loudly, as if she was seeing ghosts herself. She passed away in a hospice center in August of 1997, and before I was 15, I no longer had any living grandparents, a father who was living on borrowed time himself, and a mother just hanging on and taking care of him.

When Grandma passed, she left her house to my dad…which forced us to move there. I was just about to begin my sophomore year of high school, and then the plans changed…by the end of September, I had to switch schools. I remember starting at the new school, knowing no one. Oddly enough, in my very first class of the day, I was surprised twice: once to find a girl that I was in kindergarten with (in a different school system altogether back then) and was excited to see her…and then another girl that actually lived directly across the street from my Grandma when I was little, whom I had a crush on back in those really young years. Both of these surprises felt warm, but really short lived, as we were all different people at that point in our lives, and the rest of the day was a lot of confusion and trying to find my place. At lunch, I got to the lunch hall before almost everyone, and sat down at an empty table. I began to eat my lunch, and slowly, one by one, the table filled up with girls. I told them that I was new there, and didn’t know anyone, and asked if it was alright that I sat there, and they said it was fine. I ended up sitting at that table the rest of the year.

Confusion was an understatement for life then. No more Grandma, new high school, surrounded by people who were in cliques with those they grew up with, missing my friends in my previous school, and not sure about home life being any better than it was before. The school itself was light years better than the inner city high school I came from, but all of it was foreign to me, and that stayed that way for the next three years. While I was friendly with everyone, I never made good friends with the vast majority. I never had a girlfriend through these high school years, never went to prom or any dance, never joined a club or a sport there. I was outside the box once again. I got jobs and worked in fast food restaurants. I spent my weekends at the local skating rink, where I did develop friendships…which of course left me yearning for the weekends more. I eventually worked at the skating rink, and that also over time wore out the fun place for the weekend. My father continued to have health issues popping up throughout these years, and it felt like life was about family issues and not much more.

I joined a Computer Electronics vocational class in my junior year, and was very interested in the field…at least SOMETHING piqued my interest, and I enjoyed learning circuitry and the in’s and out’s of computers, including breaking them down and building them up. In my senior year, there was a phone call made to our classroom. The teacher was speaking to someone and then said, “Ok, hold on.” Then he turned towards the class, and said, “Who wants a job at Danner Press?” I immediately shot up my hand up, and the teacher picked me and one other student and said we had interviews for the following Monday. I didn’t care about the details of the job, all I knew was that it was tech-related at a company and I was going to do something to better my life from where it was. I ended up getting the job, and so did the other kid. We started January 1st, half way through our senior year. When we graduated from high school, we were then hired on full time. I had a job in the field before I even started college.

I took that summer and fall off from school, working full time, but started college the following spring. I worked full time hours of 8am-5pm, and then went to college at night four days a week. I chose a local, technical-based college so that the courses were more relevant to the work I was already doing, rather than going to a university. It felt like the imagination had been coming through for me; I was finding ways to move forward in life and working towards not focusing on a survival mindset - the bedrock of my family growing up. However, the confusion still existed, and it would be a very, very long time before I started grasping why. The confusion is always a mental level issue, being absorbed in the logical mind, trying to think and figure out ways to solve things. It is not that I couldn’t solve things from this space…afterall, the career I chose then was about problem solving from the logical space at its core…but that when logical gets thrown out the window due to higher consciousness being involved, the human mind will feel absolutely stuck. It knows no better. When things don’t make sense logically, it takes being open to the use of the imagination and the allowance of God to show you why things are the way they are, and what can be provided to you that wasn’t on your mental map as steps to take.

It was during these college years that my father had some more serious medical/health issues. It wore on me. I got my first C’s on a report card ever in college that particular semester, and I was both shocked that I didn’t have a worse grade, and also didn’t care too much. Perspective of me leading my life in a path different from my family, being the only one who went to college and looking to be better than survival living all the time, was shifted to survival of my father once again. It was very easy to be in the frequency of confusion and wonder “WHY? Why is this always happening to us?” For me, it was important to trust in God, to raise into a place where there is peace in knowing things all were happening for a reason, and that we may never know why.

It was also during this trimester that I experienced my first love in relationship. Confusion as to why this person, why me, why now. Room for the imagination to have allowed it in, given all that was going on. Glimpses of illumination, feelings I had never felt before, all of it defying logic…and then wanting to trap that lightning in a bottle forever. She stayed with me in the hospital a couple nights when it seemed like my dad wasn’t going to be coming out. For just as much bonding as there was, there was just as much breaking apart in the relationship. No matter how hard I tried, prayed, and gave, several years later it ended, which ultimately shattered that version of me. I wasn’t aware at the time, the gift of illumination that would come from that ending alone, that had me seeking self to a new level.

This line 2 of a Brilliant Mind…I see ways that it took me places, and I also see where living in the shadow of it fed into confusion. This line talks about a mind that always makes quantum leaps, and combines both left brain logic with right brain vision. I know that mentally, I didn’t accept life as it was to be life as it always will be, back then. I took steps to walk in the direction that felt right to me, without any support from family in that. I felt that my parents didn’t know HOW to support me because they never took those steps themselves, and it was up to me to figure it all out. It was what it was, and if I wanted different, I had to make it happen. Yet, this line’s shadow speaks about provocation, and reaction to being misunderstood by others. During this trimester when I was 18, I got a tattoo on my right forearm, and my tongue pierced…just because I wanted to. I remember my dad being pissed off, mostly about the tattoo, saying that I’m ruining my ability to get or keep a good job doing that. Being that I was already in a decent job at the time, and wore dress shirts and ties to work, it was covered all the time. I spoke to my boss to come out about the tattoo in an effort of transparency, and he said he didn’t care. There is rebellion in this line, and I did rebel then…in ways I always have. I’ve felt misunderstood most of my time, so when connections happen with a mutual understanding, its special in its own right. Even now, when I speak of the illuminatory thoughts I have of life beyond this system driven by money, I’m met with confusion by others - as if it’s just never going to happen, never possible. This does not detract me, much like how my parents view on life did not detract me from walking towards other things. I know it’s easy to see things the way that they are, and say that they’ve always been this way for decades, so why would they be any different going forward…but yet we all know inside that the way we’ve been living isn’t sustainable on a mental, emotional, and physical level as humans. It is this very aspect of Gene Key 64 that is spoken of. Rising from the confusion of the logical mind, and allowing imagination to carry us to illumination to shift life. The path of Tantra that the 64 takes, the path of surrender, is dropping the walls to fully embrace the experience.

It is also out of this realization that I practice from now…when emotions arrive (whether they are overwhelming or not), do not attempt to mentally figure it out…but rather let the mind take a seat and let the emotions be felt for what they are, and be present to what is in the moment - not the past, not the future. To not store the experiences and bypass with the mind, only to clog the pipes. The mind has its uses, but the mental GPS will only give emotions directions to streets with “No Outlet” signs, because the mind is not the place where the emotions are felt, nor is it the place where they are released.

For a spiritually driven person, quantum leaps are exciting. The quantum leaps defined through the 64th key and the line 2 will be forever welcomed here. I’m all about breaking molds, and utilizing the imagination to make obstacles irrelevant. I know the only battle is with myself.


Gene Keys Golden Path Series - EQ


Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Attraction