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Gene Keys, Frequency, Pearl Steve Young Gene Keys, Frequency, Pearl Steve Young

Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Pearl

“Interference…the word has a nature of obstruction to it. This is true. The 44th key centers around “human fractals”. These fractals are groups of people bound by patterns on a similar frequency. The nature of this shadow, when evident from the start in a dysfunctional family that one is born into, can be maddening…seemingly endless, seemingly perpetual. I felt this interference from my first memories. I lived this interference into adulthood. I saw the interference through the family tree as I built it in a genealogy site, tracing back generation by generation and researching the issues of each layer that was known or told to me in conversations, which gave clearer pictures of what I chose to be born into. Its some of this interference that became some of my goals to eradicate in my own intimate relationships, and those of my family. It was the humbling in the process to find that it wasn’t as easy as having the intention to break the molds…I was going to have to experience some of the same pain myself, and choose paths of response and change from the perspective of the experiencer, rather than the observer. For a long time, I felt like I was in the wrong place and in the wrong time. I wasn’t the same as them. In this age, I understand that I was in the right place and the right time, even if it felt chaotic. As a matter of fact, a twist of fate maybe…I feel in a way as though *I* was THE interference, in the process with my immediate family. I felt like the oddball in my intimate relationships and many friendships, the one that didn’t fit while the others seemed to blend with society around them. Yet, it is the process of learning those lessons that the biological family and the intimate relationships were providing. I feel I’ve experienced both the repressive and the reactive nature of this key’s shadow - distrustful with people due to previous experiences, and misjudging for the same reason. There is also a tie in at the shadow level with hierarchy…comparison and tiers of value that separate people…”

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