Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Radiance

Leaving the Evolution, we cross the Pathway of Breakthrough to the Radiance sphere:

This pathway is justly named, because the first two spheres were about the conscious energies, where as the Radiance is the first sphere that taps into the unconscious aspects of ourselves, breaking through to what was previously hidden from us.

The Radiance sphere - what keeps me healthy.  My Radiance sphere is the 12.5. Gene Key 12 goes from the Shadow of Vanity, through the Gift of Discrimination, to the Siddhi of Purity.  The 5th line theme is Impact, and the 5th line is also about voice and frequency.  I go back many years ago in contemplation for this key.

In childhood, the struggle of feeling so different from the environment I grew up in was real.  I didn’t have a concept of WHY I felt so different, it was just THERE.  My parents used substances to cope with problems, and so did everyone else around them from what I could tell.  There was the masking of “having a good time” applied to a lot of the get togethers and places we went, but it was easy to sense all the discord and pain in those around.  I didn’t understand how it equated to “having a good time”…it felt inauthentic.  Yet, it was everywhere, and when the vast majority of people around you are saying or doing something and you’re not, you tend to question yourself on whether you’re the one who has a problem.  One may think, “come on, in childhood, you’d have been too young to partake in substances like that to even know what the experience was like for the adults”…and to that I would say, “not so.”  I was introduced to alcohol at a very young age, had my first sips of beer when I was two (yes, I remember), tried some of my dad’s Bacardi and Coke when I told him I could handle it as a 3-4 year old, later into adolescence would have wine coolers on New Year’s Eves, and on and on through the early years.  I smoked my first cigarette when I was six.  Smoking didn’t stick, and alcohol was given a much longer period of chance in my life, but just wasn’t for me either.  I tried some of these things, and I tried first in order to live in the world of those around me.

The differences in me felt like a curse in ways, because it was automatically isolating.  I didn’t have to do anything other than be who I was, not have interest in the things I didn’t have interest in, and it left me feeling disconnected from most people, even family.  Sure, there were some things that I enjoyed that created bonds with others, such as being a pro wrestling fan, playing little league baseball, roaming the neighborhoods on bikes with friends, and things like that…but there was an umbrella over all of it of something just being different.

When I first started to embrace my differences as just being part of my human makeup, the reflection that some presented to me was that I “must think I’m better than them”, and “elitist”.  No coincidence here, elitist is noted as the repressive nature of the 12th shadow of Vanity.  I then had to explore the emotions inside of me, both my own and from others that I absorbed, to grasp whether I was trying to be better than others, and if so…why?  I didn’t get far into that exploration, because it was clear to me that I was spending a lot of time just trying to figure out how to fit in with the world, and not accepting my differences for myself.  It was hard to have self love, when the concept of self felt so abstract against the canvas of all the perceived definition around me.  Everyone else seemed like they knew who they were, knew what they wanted, had good family dynamics, had loving relationships, thriving…and I didn’t understand why I was outside of that experience.  At those times, I didn’t “know” that many of those things that “seemed” to be those ways were actually not, but I also felt the dissonance, which only added to the confusion.  I learned that when you come to a conclusion, based off of your own experiences on how you feel about something and its fit in your own life, others who may be in shadow or in ego can take that personally…and if you have no boundaries, that effects you.

The shadow of Vanity is about the love of self and its uniqueness from the whole, and it took me so much time to even come to a place of loving my uniqueness.  What a fine line it is, then, to go from the frequency of vanity, into using that as the gift of Discrimination.

Discrimination is about knowing what and who is healthy for you in life.  Knowing when to express and when to not.  Knowing when there is authenticity and when there isn’t.  Being able to see when someone is not expressing their true soul.  The fine line comes into play in this way, as quoted from the Gene Keys book:

“The Gift of Discrimination does set you apart from the crowd - it has no choice in doing so because it is naturally seeking a higher frequency.  It represents an aspect of your DNA that is constantly striving for something higher and purer, which means that it directly challenges anything or anyone that is influenced by compromise.  Discrimination gives humanity a taste of a higher order operating behind the scenes of life.  This is why it so often manifests through true art. They are true art lovers. The 12th Gift does not shy away from anything that is authentic - no matter how messy it may be. These people are the great food discriminators, music discriminators, and language discriminators. They can become the great artists, virtuosos, poets, actors and educators of humanity. Their Gift is to enter unafraid into the drama of life, allowing it to flow through their veins and be expressed through their feelings.”

With this 12th key being deeply rooted in using voice and frequency of the throat, also being expressed through art forms such as writing, it is natural to me to write.  However, I wasn’t always expressive of my authentic voice.  For much of my life, I was a wallflower.  I didn’t have much to say to most people.  I kept this world inside of me, because there was no one around to share it with that held the capacity and the level of understanding to accept it and reciprocate.  This is actually part of the design of the 12, as the 12 is also known in Human Design as one of the Gates of Melancholy, to which the particular melancholy for the 12 is “melancholy that there is no one worth telling anything to”.  This also coincides with the 12th key being a Romantic key, and the search for “the one” to express feelings of love to.  When you have the sense that most people don’t “get you”, a natural response is to say nothing at all.

The experience hasn’t been about being better than anyone else.  It has been about discovering self in all of its authenticity, and then growing into the confidence to express that authenticity to the right people, at the right time.  Writing these blogs helped open that up further for me, to the point that I knew when information was flowing through me, I could trust that I could write it and send it to the world, and the right people would find it.  The fine line of vanity creeps in when the discernment in the gift of Discrimination leads to others feeling rejected or cut out BY me, or thereby triggered by my uniqueness and thoughts around life.  I cannot be anyone other than who I am, and I had to humbly learn and accept that.  The desire becomes the love of love itself, the love of purity and authenticity from the soul, recognizing that in others, and encouraging them to bring that forth themselves.

The 12th key is the third and final trial in the Codon Ring of Trials.  There is the notion of letting go of everything you’ve accumulated and even the fear of death, in order to return to the essence of the Siddhi - Purity.  The 12th key alone is its own Codon Ring, the Codon Ring of Secrets.  It is the realization of one’s own purity that gives access to the Codon Ring of Secrets.  It is the essence of purity that fascinates me, that I’ve looked for.  It is in that purity that I sought out romantic connections in the exploration for the soul that intertwines with mine.  Enigma’s song “Return to Innocence” encapsulated this very well.  To be the true you, and see the true self in others, and the love that comes from that place of meeting is surreal.  It is romance at its most raw form.

It’s mentioned in the Gene Keys book in this Siddhi section that all the lower chakras including the heart, are synthesized and purified in the throat chakra.  Energy in the body from the lower chakras need to pass through the “abyss” of the throat to travel to the higher chakras and into consciousness.  Even deeper:

“The being who has passed through this abyss and entered the sphere of the 12th Siddhi becomes once again like a child. Through their heart, they can perceive the Divine - beyond longing, beyond concepts yet still deeply human and with a voice beyond words. Others feel such people truly do not belong in this world, even though they are the most natural expression of what it means to be human. In this state, nothing can contaminate their purity. Their bodies can be decrepit, even ugly, but their hearts can do nothing but sing out with the Truth of their true nature. Those who manifest this Siddhi often live the humblest of lives, unseen by the world at large. They often pass quietly through the world, living simply, yet reminding everyone who meets them that purity really can exist in a human form.

If you wish to play with the frequency of the 12th Siddhi, you need only keep reminding yourself of your own heart. Beneath the layers of karma, ancestral fear and inevitable childhood conditioning beats an aspect of the great universal Heart - and its purity can be remembered.  Its colour is the white beyond white for it is the eternal child within you. It is the You that you cannot help but fall in love with. To look at the world from the 12th Siddhi is to see everyone through this crystalline vessel - it is all you can see in everyone you meet. However the very moment you view anything in a negative way, this presence within you will instantly vanish.”

With the voice and throat being so prominent for me as my Radiance, I’ve contemplated at times why I didn’t have an innate desire to learn foreign languages.  Yet I already knew.  My soul transcends the spoken word, no matter the language or dialect.  It is the energy that is the language of my soul, and in the presence of purity and authenticity, I feel at home.

One final part to discuss in my Radiance is the need for solitude.  I’ve spent a lot of life in solitude, and most of that earlier time wasn’t appreciated.  It was spent focusing externally, looking for connection I felt I didn’t have.  Only through walking on this spiritual journey did I start to appreciate, and even grow to love, solitude.  From my profile section on Radiance:

“Your health depends upon your love of being alone. If you feel lonely, you are somehow missing a beautiful opportunity. Aloneness is your chance to dive deep into your soul and come up with something beautiful to share with others. And you need to remember that sadness and longing can also be beautiful. As long as you can express it, you can transform any feeling into elation.”

It has always been in moments of solitude that these blogs were born, that concepts for our episodes on our YouTube channel “The Bared Soul” were born, where I felt I connected with the essence of me and was able to bring that forth.  It’s from this place that I saw how disconnected I would get when giving all of my self to someone or something external to me.  It can be easy for me to then desire solitude over anything else, so it is progressive growth in maintaining the Radiance health when I then connect with others intentionally.

When we are at our most radiant, we are giving ourselves the best opportunity to fulfill our Purpose.


Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Activation Sequence Purpose


Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Evolution