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Gene Keys, Light, Frequency Steve Young Gene Keys, Light, Frequency Steve Young

Gene Keys Golden Path Series - IQ

Taking the next jump, we cross the Pathway of Karma…

This pathway deals with karma as the transformational aspects of relationships that lead to the growth. What is most important for me to note here is the corroboration of the usage of samskaras between the Gene Keys (noted as “sanskaras” in the Venus Sequence in the section on the Pathway of Karma) and Michael Singer’s work in “Living Untethered”, and the part it plays in our journey.

From the Venus Sequence:

”In the Venus Sequence, we might view the sanskaras as a biogenetic sequence of codes that you inherited at the point of conception. As aspects of the sacred wound, your sanskaras are like a series of subtle memory slates stored inside your being, and each one refracts your view of life like a lens. Without your sanskaras, you would see life as it truly is, infinite and pure. However, your sanskaras skew your view of reality, making your life more challenging. Thus your sanskaras must be understood, purified, and transformed over the course of your life. This is their true purpose – to unlock the pathway to a higher consciousness, and to release the enormous healing capacity of the heart to love unconditionally.

Your Venus Sequence shows you the precise nature of your sanskaras as a sequence designed to be unlocked in a specific order. The Venus Sequence reveals to us how our sanskaras distort our awareness through the stages and cycles of our childhood. The unconscious patterns of the sacred wound are laid down in a sequence, and they can be unlocked and transformed in a sequence.”

From “Living Untethered”:

“Whether you use your will to resist or cling, these leftover impressions will stay in your mind. You’ve now created an entire layer of mind that’s holding your samskaras, your unfinished patterns from the past. You will come to see that these acts of clinging and resisting determine the quality of your life. These impressions distract your consciousness from the reality of the current moment. What is more, if you are constantly distracted by these samskaras in your mind, you’re never going to experience who you really are…”

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Alignment, Creation, Flow, Energy, Gene Keys, Light, Purpose Steve Young Alignment, Creation, Flow, Energy, Gene Keys, Light, Purpose Steve Young

Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Venus Sequence Purpose

As a refresher, my Purpose sphere is the 11.5. Gene Key 11 goes from the Shadow of Obscurity, through the Gift of Idealism, to the Siddhi of Light. However, in this sequence, this sphere’s line 5 theme is “The Victim/The Leader”.

The Victim role plays very much into obscurity, as it is all about being wrapped up in the mind. I’ve been there many times in my life, stuck in my head, thinking things through logically - approaching brick walls in the logic and feeling dejected. This has been a process in relationships, and even potential relationships, in my life. I utilize what I would come to know as a power of this 11th key and see all the potentials for a relationship, and if none of them were satisfactory, I would not even entertain it at all. If there was a potential that interested me and I chose to open up to the relationship, and then it ended in a way other than the potential, I would get lost in the head questioning myself and my beliefs. I saw this potential! It’s there! How did this go wrong? I communicated the desire for this potential, and it was reciprocated then…I did everything I could to ensure that the potential was realized. What did I miss? Was I not good enough? I’m no one’s cup of tea. You name it, I thought it. I experienced the emotions of those thoughts. Yet, lost in the obscurity of those thoughts, the beliefs that came from them. Disconnected from my inner being. Disconnected from the light and the idealism within this gift.

The Leader in this line comes through first and foremost when leading the self through the misery of obscurity, back into alignment. The obscurity provides great lessons on importance, value, owning self, healthy boundaries and more. It’s through this dip that the Leader can take the ideal paths presented with the gift of the 11 and hold the hand of self and walk together out of shadow. In the face of what seems like insurmountable chasms, this Leader allows divinity to provide mystical bridges that dissolve the mental cage of limitations and show that not only are potentials possible, but that they can be realized through alignment…

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