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Gene Keys, Brand, Path, Humor Steve Young Gene Keys, Brand, Path, Humor Steve Young

Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Brand

“The link through all of this for me is humor. I have to say that I’m glad that this is in my design and path, because I don’t think I’d want to do life without laughing. In respect to the Brand sphere, the humor is about changing the way people feel about themselves, in a positive way. It isn’t humor as a distraction from life, in the way that people use coping mechanisms like alcohol, drugs, sex, and so on…but rather first-hand experience in the pain and emotions felt in life; and a knowing that, at least internally, things can change for the better, if you allow yourself the opportunities to. Humor, to me, is a way that people can universally find shifts inside of themselves. You may think that it was the person bringing the humor that shifted you, but you were the one who found it funny and responded to what life was giving you in the moment…and whether you’re aware of the shift or not, you made the shift to a more positive place with laughter. Something that feels good, something organic, something that doesn’t numb away the pain. You take the light that’s been inside of you all along, and allow it to penetrate through the walls that the pain has built…and you get to do it with JOY. There is no “coming back down to Earth” like when the high/numb of the alcohol or drugs wears off and you’re just back to the pain as it was…you have shifted into a different perspective internally through laughter. Again, if you so choose.

They say it’s about “changing the way others feel about themselves”…I say it’s about showing by example, a way of self re-igniting the furnace of joy inside and letting it incinerate impurities on the way out.”

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Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Core

“My Core sphere holds Gene Key 18.5. Gene Key 18 goes from the Shadow of Judgment, through the Gift of Integrity, to the Siddhi of Perfection. The 5th line in this sphere is “Guilt/Forgiveness”.

This key, in this sphere…whewwwww. The 18th key also governs the mental body (IQ sphere, in which mine is 64.2, so imagine how judgment also leads to confusion and plays into the whole mental trap). It is said that the 18th shadow has a built-in need to challenge authority, and that this process really begins when we enter that 3rd trimester of 14-21 years of age (IQ sphere). I certainly challenged authority of my parents, especially because they lived a way I did not ever want to…”

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Gene Keys, Love, Frequency, Path, Human Design, Energy, Throat Steve Young Gene Keys, Love, Frequency, Path, Human Design, Energy, Throat Steve Young

Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Radiance

The Radiance sphere - what keeps me healthy. My Radiance sphere is the 12.5. Gene Key 12 goes from the Shadow of Vanity, through the Gift of Discrimination, to the Siddhi of Purity. The 5th line theme is Impact, and the 5th line is also about voice and frequency. I go back many years ago in contemplation for this key.

In childhood, the struggle of feeling so different from the environment I grew up in was real. I didn’t have a concept of WHY I felt so different, it was just THERE. My parents used substances to cope with problems, and so did everyone else around them from what I could tell. There was the masking of “having a good time” applied to a lot of the get togethers and places we went, but it was easy or sense all the discord and pain in those around. I didn’t understand how it equated to “having a good time”…it felt inauthentic. Yet, it was everywhere, and when the vast majority of people around you are saying or doing something and you’re not, you tend to question yourself on whether you’re the one who has a problem. One may think, “come on, in childhood, you’d have been too young to partake in substances like that to even know what the experience was like for the adults”…and to that I would say, “not so.” I was introduced to alcohol at a very young age, had my first sips of beer when I was two (yes, I remember), tried some of my dad’s Bacardi and Coke when I told him I could handle it as a 3-4 year old, later into adolescence would have wine coolers on New Year’s Eves, and on and on through the early years. I smoked my first cigarette when I was six. Smoking didn’t stick, and alcohol was given a much longer period of chance in my life, but just wasn’t for me either. I tried some of these things, and I tried first in order to live in the world of those around me…

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The Generator

My journey into energy work started with Reiki in 2018. I was taking concepts that I had read about over the years (albeit at more of a “piquing, but quiet, interest” back then, when there wasn’t really anyone around to talk to about it), such as chakras and channels, and beginning to open up further and dig into how that energy moves through the body; how it gets stuck in places, and what getting stuck in certain places may mean; how that blockage of energy corresponded with being out of alignment with one’s inner being.

With Reiki being “universal life force energy”, and how we often practice forms of connecting and grounding meditations - where you visualize pure energy coming from the cosmos/universe down through your crown chakra, continuing through all the chakras in your body, filling every cell, down through your feet and into the Earth, and then back up through to the Universe, thus an energetic line between the Universe and Earth through you that flows both ways - I was then fascinated when learning about my Human Design type of being a Pure Generator, how I am to have access to consistent Sacral life force energy that is generated within every moment, and how these two aspects mesh together. I’m also going to explore some of the real world shadows I’ve experienced, and how understanding this design helps in accepting those.

I look at it this way: The universal life force energy is the fuel for our body, and it flows through the energy centers of our body. Our body is the vehicle we have in this lifetime, and our inner being is the driver of the vehicle. The egoic conditioned human part of us is riding shotgun (in the front passenger seat for clarity) and is either co-creating with the inner being to drive us where we want to go, or jumps in with its conditioned input and takes us off-course, out of alignment. From that, the Sacral Generator is simply either connected to the inner being and all of the universal life force energy available to it, or it is not connected, living in the not-self, and becoming frustrated. Much like the analogy I’ve used before - the sun is just there, shining its rays of energy, and you either choose to stand in them and soak them in, or you don’t…

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Creation, Inner Being, Love, Path, Souls, Transformation Steve Young Creation, Inner Being, Love, Path, Souls, Transformation Steve Young

Apples and Trees

Apples don’t fall far from the tree.

You’ve heard of this expression, no? It seems that more often than not, there is a negative connotation to this expression…one of when there is a perceived flaw, or bad behavior, or troubles, or lack of ambition and so on in children, they are deemed guilty by association to their parents or caregivers. While there is truth to a certain degree in this, there is an even deeper truth that lies within this expression, and it is one of hope and love…

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Souls, Presence, Inner Being, Path Steve Young Souls, Presence, Inner Being, Path Steve Young

Claiming Your Path

As we know, we are conditioned by society when we come into this physical life, to live certain ways, eat certain things, follow certain traditions, believe in certain beliefs, and so on. In infancy and very early youth, we don’t give thought to it, we simply comply with implicit trust from anyone near that this “is how life is”, because it’s what we see, feel, hear, taste and touch around us. We have a sort of soul connection amnesia going on, and it is as if there’s a brain fog that prevents us from remembering who we really are. Eventually, little sections of that fog start to clear away, and this is when we start questioning aspects of our lives and how we are living them at the time. What causes the fog to start clearing away? This is a fun one for me to connect…

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