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Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Activation Sequence Purpose

The Purpose sphere in the Activation Sequence - what deeply fulfills me. My Purpose sphere is the 11.5. Gene Key 11 goes from the Shadow of Obscurity, through the Gift of Idealism, to the Siddhi of Light. The 5th line in this sphere is about voice and frequency.

I certainly spent much of my life in obscurity. When I had already started off life by feeling like I was supposed to be somewhere else, it was a focus on all things outside of me. I think that’s natural as people come into this world, discovering all that this life is about…but all I had to go on INSIDE of me was a deep sense of being lost; so instead of paying attention to my internal feelings, I focused on trying to figure out what was going on externally. This was compounded by a volatile home environment in childhood, to where anticipation and anxiety and stress of what will go on around me became normal. It shouldn’t be this way, I thought. There were times I simply felt forgotten. When my parents would drop my brothers and I off at our grandma’s for the weekend, and it became almost every weekend, I caught on to what was their focus at the time. When I entered a 5k fun run around 6 years old with one of my brothers, and at the shot of the gun to start the race my brother took off leaving me in a sea of strangers, I began to cry and sat down by a tree.

This led to the creation of beliefs about myself, my value and existence, and ironically one of those was that I wasn’t creative. I’d see my mother, brothers, and friends paint and draw with a natural skill, and so I tried to as well - and it just didn’t go well. When I was young, if a blank canvas or white paper was put in front of me and I was prompted to paint or draw something, I couldn’t come up with anything at all. I wondered how it was possible that people did this…to create from seeming scratch, through their mind. Maybe I’m just not meant to be creative either. Every way that I WAS creative, I dismissed it from being creative, as if it wasn’t good enough to be creative. I did that…

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Falling from (and Returning to) the Garden of Eden

Last week, I visited the Temple of the Universe in Alachua, Florida. The Temple was built by Michael Singer, author of the book “The Untethered Soul”, in 1975. I was visiting to listen to a talk from Michael himself. Michael doesn’t give a schedule of what his topics will be, so it wasn’t known what I was going to be hearing about.

As Michael progressed in his talk, a warm flush came over me as I realized that the topic of the talk was going to be about falling from and returning to the Garden of Eden. This notion is extremely resonant for me, and has been a constant discussion topic with some others who share aspects of it with me. Before I get to the talk, I wanted to give context to the resonance. In Human Design, each person has an Incarnation Cross that is said to define the life path and purpose that we are to carry out, if we live according to our strategy and authority. I’ve always said in the past that I’m an alien on Earth, that I felt like I got off on the wrong stop coming here, and home was somewhere else. My Incarnation Cross is called the “Right Angle Cross of Eden 3”, and this description of that cross not only encapsulates everything I’ve felt about myself, but the premise of Michael’s talk as well:

The Right Angle Cross of Eden 3 (6/36 | 12/11)

So you were thrown out of Eden, or at least that may be what birth felt like to you. Many who carry this Cross enter the world reluctantly as the womb provides everything that is needed. Over time, you carry the energy to go out and explore the world and to live life. Ultimately your energy is about exploration, not to make your way back to Eden but to move forward and find a slice of Eden here on earth and then share it with those around you.”

As you might imagine, the notion of bringing that divinity here rather than just going back, has been contemplated by myself throughout this life. Needless to say, I knew in my soul that I was meant to be at the Temple, on that night, for that exact talk…

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Creation, Inner Being, Love, Path, Souls, Transformation Steve Young Creation, Inner Being, Love, Path, Souls, Transformation Steve Young

Apples and Trees

Apples don’t fall far from the tree.

You’ve heard of this expression, no? It seems that more often than not, there is a negative connotation to this expression…one of when there is a perceived flaw, or bad behavior, or troubles, or lack of ambition and so on in children, they are deemed guilty by association to their parents or caregivers. While there is truth to a certain degree in this, there is an even deeper truth that lies within this expression, and it is one of hope and love…

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Inside Job

This blog turned out to be a deeply inspired poem that poured out of my soul. Enjoy.

Did I miss a stop
When arriving at this place?
Did I sign on the dotted line
Of a contract for a soul with the wrong face?

Born into a family of partying
Smoking, drinking, loud music galore
It was easy for me to sense the pain
In the windows to their souls and behind their heart’s door…

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Transformation, Energy Steve Young Transformation, Energy Steve Young

Calm in the Shift

Everyone, even those who aren’t yet awakened, or not “spiritual” by their own accord, has felt the shift in energy that has happened due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The way it is felt by each of us is unique to our own perspective, and in turn, so are the responses and/or reactions. The extroverted ones may be having a difficult time adjusting, while introverted ones may be going about business as usual. What is a commonality, however, is that all humans across the globe are experiencing a shift in rules, behaviors, and ways of living…

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