Erosion Two

But the Garden, you ask…

What is the big deal?

Returning back to Eden

Purity to reveal

The streams may have diverged at times

But drop again into the heart

Just like the lyric from “The Scientist”,

“I’m going back to the start”

He takes with him the lessons learned

The fortified and true

While scrubbing away the system’s stamp

Commence erosion two

For without a proper foundation

A house cannot withstand

The forces of nature and life’s battles

Like being built on sand

Before it’s found in two

It must be found in one

Seek ye first the kingdom

And so it shall be done

The kingdom could be many things

But here it means connection

To God within, the divine higher self

Passing the inspection

The permit granted to build upon

The solid bond inside

Body, soul and spirit

One faithfully supplied

He doesn’t want to have lived as though

The wheel was the extent

When with no need for evidence

Outside in hamsters went

For without spirit he’s empty

Void of a driving force

Life Path 11, intuitive and healing

Necessitates the source

Enlightenment in many ways

Pilot flame igniting

Sacral response to the path

Coming through this writing

Gone with the erosion is blueprints

Of what the house would be

An oxymoron if there ever was one

Blinded clairvoyancy

At least in the movie “Field of Dreams”

A baseball field was known

When faith in the foundation and building upon

Fulfilled a goal as shown

Yet here in this life currently, the only direction

Is to build foundation

Release the need to understand why and enjoy

The art of creation

Planets bunched in his chart around

The home and family

Trusting in the universe

Designs that he can’t see

Melting away the barriers of mind

Opening to the soul

Can he carry through the plan

Larger than his control

Making sense of senselessness

Logistics thrown away

Things that just couldn’t possibly work

Are suddenly in play

It’s always been said that we

Do not handle the “how”

Testing constant acts of trust

Will he continue now?

Why do you think you need to plan,

Effort, or find a way?

Unclench your grip, have a coffee, take a sip

Enjoy this soul cafe

“It’s cyclical, you know”, he says

“I get caught up in it;”

“I guess that makes me human,”

“More than I would admit”

Yet, thanks for the reminder

He’s not just either/or

Much like foundation needs to be mixed

Alchemizing the core

Ingredients may come from parts unknown

Flying in like a dove

Foundation setting in its own time, following his

Notion of crock pot love

Maybe that’s what the work was all along

Going out on a limb

The home and family always desired

Being built inside him



