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Poetry Steve Young Poetry Steve Young


Hopes, dreams, goals, and plans

Like layers and layers of clothes

Ego dressing to the nines

Soul he hardly knows

What more could be expected

When in the family line

Survival was the name of the game

And grapes die on the vine

Desire led him down the path

Of family rooted in love

Contrast at an early age

Lack from up above

He knew he wanted different

as different, was he

And off he went in search of her

8 years old to be…

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Inside Job

This blog turned out to be a deeply inspired poem that poured out of my soul. Enjoy.

Did I miss a stop
When arriving at this place?
Did I sign on the dotted line
Of a contract for a soul with the wrong face?

Born into a family of partying
Smoking, drinking, loud music galore
It was easy for me to sense the pain
In the windows to their souls and behind their heart’s door…

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