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Gene Keys, Brand, Path, Humor Steve Young Gene Keys, Brand, Path, Humor Steve Young

Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Brand

“The link through all of this for me is humor. I have to say that I’m glad that this is in my design and path, because I don’t think I’d want to do life without laughing. In respect to the Brand sphere, the humor is about changing the way people feel about themselves, in a positive way. It isn’t humor as a distraction from life, in the way that people use coping mechanisms like alcohol, drugs, sex, and so on…but rather first-hand experience in the pain and emotions felt in life; and a knowing that, at least internally, things can change for the better, if you allow yourself the opportunities to. Humor, to me, is a way that people can universally find shifts inside of themselves. You may think that it was the person bringing the humor that shifted you, but you were the one who found it funny and responded to what life was giving you in the moment…and whether you’re aware of the shift or not, you made the shift to a more positive place with laughter. Something that feels good, something organic, something that doesn’t numb away the pain. You take the light that’s been inside of you all along, and allow it to penetrate through the walls that the pain has built…and you get to do it with JOY. There is no “coming back down to Earth” like when the high/numb of the alcohol or drugs wears off and you’re just back to the pain as it was…you have shifted into a different perspective internally through laughter. Again, if you so choose.

They say it’s about “changing the way others feel about themselves”…I say it’s about showing by example, a way of self re-igniting the furnace of joy inside and letting it incinerate impurities on the way out.”

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