Puzzle Pieces

Take what resonates and leave the rest.

This is a phrase often heard in spirituality teachings. Like many other sayings, it can be blown right past if not paid attention to. What does it really mean, and is it really applicable? I’ll explain, and yes.

Everything that shows up in our lives, does so for a reason. It was attracted to us, by us. There is information that is pertinent to us in this attraction, and whether or not we understand that or are open to seeing the whole picture is a matter of where we are in our state of being. People, places, things…they all have a reason and meaning for us. However, there is also an insane amount of other information that comes along for the ride. Everywhere we turn, there is all of this data coming at us, because energy is everywhere. Our minds have become good at filtering out a lot of the data that we don’t need to know about, such as all the makes, models, and colors of vehicles driving past us when we are traveling somewhere. Our minds focus on what we tell it to look for, such as when we become interested in buying a new vehicle, and then we start seeing versions of that vehicle everywhere - we have allowed this data to become part of the scope of interest, and are on the lookout for it.

Much like this, the idea of resonating with something comes into play. Resonating in frequency is when people, places, things, or ideas connect with us on the energetic level, and our soul gives a big “YES!”. Often there is a bodily sensation that accompanies this resonance - such as a warm flush through the body in my case. When there isn’t resonance, there can be either a lower feeling of “ehhh”, or not a feeling or connection at all. There is nothing wrong with not resonating with something, it simply means that it is not for you - whether at that moment, or at all.

As I’ve been traveling my spiritual path, I’ve become accustomed to noticing when things resonate with my inner being, and this lets me know that I’m taking the “right” steps for me. It goes beyond right and wrong…”right” in this case is alignment between physical me and non-physical me in direction I’m heading and growth I’m experiencing. I began to view these moments as puzzle pieces. These pieces are, one by one, allowing me to shed all that is not me, while showing what is authentic me.

I’ve found puzzle pieces from a wide variety of places, people, things, ideas, and sources. I’ve been led to books (a lot of them), videos, spiritual centers, soul family, many several-hours-long phone calls and web conferences and sessions and get-togethers.

I’ve found pieces of resonance studying my natal chart and astrology, finding things such as my North Node in Cancer bringing my focus in this lifetime on home, love and family, and not career, fortune, or fame.

I’ve found pieces of resonance in things like Human Design, where among many other things, it is noted that I am a “Generator” that supplies Life Force energy to the world (I’ve found magic in the capacity to regenerate energy after going through great contrasts in life, after exchanges with lower vibrations, etc.); that I have a Sacral Authority, and that the strategy for a Generator on making decisions is to “wait for internal response”, where I more specifically cannot know beforehand what is correct for me, but that I have wait to respond from listening to my gut as something happens (this is a whole process when you are someone who has spent a lifetime analyzing things with the human mind); and that I “am not designed to live a life of great pressure” and that I am “more suited to live a life where there is little urgency and plenty of time” (I’ve come to find that I enjoy simplicity, and having blank time on the calendar, and time to source inspiration from connection within to make soul-led actions).

I’ve found pieces of resonance in the Gene Keys and my Holographic Profile, where to give a small sample, it is said that my Life’s Work through Gene Key 6 is to be a Peacemaker that dissolves conflict and tension and knows when to act and speak from the heart; that I can sense conflict in others before it arises, can see weaknesses in myself and others without judging, can create healthy boundaries, and bring balance into life. It is said that my deepest Purpose in life lies in Gene Key 11 (surprise!) - the Idealist and “Light of Eden”, to live a mythic life and allow the right-brain creativity to create the path, essentially allowing the divine plan, with the highest frequency of this key being Light.

I’m nowhere near done with filling in my puzzle for this lifetime, but each piece brings a warm flush through my body, and each piece allows more of my light to express…and I’m thankful for that.

Look for YOUR puzzle pieces. Go beyond what you do every day, and dig a little deeper. Find what resonates for YOU, and gladly leave the rest of the pieces for others.


Strategy and Authority


Apples and Trees