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Veil, Creation, Vibration, Energy, Love, Frequency Steve Young Veil, Creation, Vibration, Energy, Love, Frequency Steve Young

Beyond the Veil

Music is sent from radio station transmitters, through the air in the form of radio waves, 24/7. Not a single one of our five basic human senses experience the presence of those waves to know the contents. However, a receiver accepts those waves and outputs the music through speakers, to which our hearing sense then experiences the music.

We live in a physical world where we have become accustomed to relying on these five basic senses to tell us what exists, and what is “real”. Music sent over radio waves is one example, of many, that shows that things exist beyond our five senses. You can’t “tell” in your daily life that the radio waves are there, with music as the payload, but they are. Even if you don’t “believe” they are there, they are. You could walk around with the hard belief that because you don’t see/hear/smell/taste/touch them, then they don’t exist...but they do…

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