Strategy and Authority

Over the weekend, I was reading posts on a Gene Keys and Human Design group, and came across a specific post that initiated the same flow energy that brings these blogs together. I responded to the post, and in turn it was suggested that I take those words and give them a post of their own on the group. I did so, and it resonated with many people. I wanted to share those words here, and then connect them to aspects of Human Design called “Strategy” and “Authority” and weave how they relate to the shift that has happened to me in recent years organically:

“It takes an act of true courage, but if one can come to the point of being “all in” on themselves over everything else, and release the sack of other people’s opinions, thoughts, desires, dreams and ideas that they have been carrying over their shoulder their whole lifetime…the true journey begins to unfold.

It’s been a major part of my own journey, coming to find that life, following what your soul guides you to, doesn’t resemble anything that you see in existence, and leaves the human mind feeling like it did something wrong. When we get tired of the mirage - feeling not good enough, left out, not like others, alone, lonely - and focus on the one piece that this feeling was truly projected properly from, our inner being, we see that this was what we were to be all along.

It is from this place, that I look at the rest of this lifetime. I don’t look for yet another way to run in the hamster wheel of this system, or yet another hamster wheel to replace the one currently moving…I take the courageous calling of the soul that says “This isn’t it…and you know it. You’re here for something new. There isn’t a template for it…it will be born from the inspiration from within.” I take that, and I shift focus in that direction. It doesn’t feel the same anymore. It’s no longer a lack, a not good enough, an “alone”, a lonely. It’s the calling. It’s what feels good, and feels resonant, and feels fulfilling. Everything held onto outside of it was just resistance in heading in the needed direction. Without judgement of anything else, it became simply a laying down of resistance and a letting go. No need to know what it will look like. I will know when I know.

And, so it is.”

These words came as a response to information that was shown to me. My gut instinct was immediately to respond with what was about to come out of me. In Human Design, it is said that “Strategy” and “Authority” are the two key components of living authentically. Strategy is the method you use to best journey through your life. Authority is what you listen to for guidance when making optimal decisions. As a Pure Generator aura/type, my Strategy is to “wait to respond”, and my Authority is to “follow my gut”. In the example above, I used my Strategy and Authority to guide me into responding to something from a lit-up and inspired place, that in turn resonated for a lot of others, and brought satisfaction to me as well.

This is a process that lines up with a shift that I had made in recent years organically, before having conscious knowledge of Human Design and its concepts. I used to operate very heavily in the logical mind, analyzing and calculating and making sense of things until it felt right. Through the course of life experiences, I began to see that my gut instinct, my intuition, was telling me about things that my mind would then contend with, yet the gut instinct was right. It’s very easy to get caught up in that internal battle when there’s been conditioning, traumas, and other aspects that have been the prevalent overlay to the life experience. However, when you have the soul calling out consistently, it cannot be denied. I began actively practicing setting my logical mind aside, and listening to my gut/intuition first. It has led me down paths that have felt great, and paths that have caused great change, and it has been right every time, for me. I already had an understanding that the logical mind is limited in its capacity to comprehend, and that to go to the deeper lengths that I so often do, I would need to tap into the higher mind…so this was a natural and organic full-circling. It has been a fruitful part of the journey.

In reflection, it also makes sense (even to the logical mind) that in times where I really tried to MAKE something happen, it did not…no matter how hard I tried. That is not my designed strategy. It did not feel aligned in my soul any time I went through that effort. I am to let it come to me through attraction, and then respond from my gut on whether or not it is something that I want to spend my energy on. You may have had a similar experience in your life, where something isn’t being manifested or working the way you want it to, and you rack your brain in agony over the “WHY”…it may very well be that you are not following the Strategy and Authority that fits YOUR design.

As a 3/5 profile in Human Design, I am one who is to experiment in life to learn what works and what doesn’t. Unfortunately for my logical mind (which wants to gather all the information and make the decision that gets me to the manifestation of whatever is desired with the least amount of contrast), it’s part of my journey to constantly go through contrast to find the puzzle pieces that truly fit. I may not have agreed with it back then, but these days I see all of the reasoning behind why I went through the contrast I went through in all sorts of situations, in order to get to a place to be resonant with things like Human Design - right at the time I began following some of that design.

I would encourage anyone reading this blog, if you are finding resonance in this moment with the feeling going on inside of your body and your soul with things written here and you HAVEN’T already done so, to explore looking up your Human Design profile, and just start small - with your Strategy and Authority. Play with it, experiment with following the Strategy and Authority that is specific to YOUR design, and see if your life shifts into a more favorable direction for you.

I mention starting small, because the Human Design charts and system are very complex, and looking at the charts can shut people off with their overwhelming amount of information and interweaving of concepts.

Bringing it back home: Look up your Human Design chart (below are a few different links where you can do so, and all you need to enter is your Name and Birth Date, Time, and Location - with knowing the actual Time giving the most accurate chart), and just start with reading about the Strategy and Authority that your design uses. It encapsulates the inner GPS I’ve written about in previous blogs, and may help guide you towards listening to yours in a way that you live consistently more authentically to you:

Free Foundation Chart - Genetic Matrix - Human Design and Astro HD Services

Get Your Chart (

Free BodyGraph (




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