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Crown, Universal Story Steve Young Crown, Universal Story Steve Young

The Spiritual Awakening

You come into this life with what seems to be a clean slate.  You know nothing about this place, nor the people you see when you open your eyes for the first time.  You inherently trust that those people who take you home, will take care of you.  They tell you that you are theirs, that they love you so much, and that they’ve been waiting for you.  You’re provided a security blanket in the figurative sense, and often in the literal sense.  It eases the curiosity and confusion that initially comes with your arrival here…

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Universal Story, Third Eye Steve Young Universal Story, Third Eye Steve Young

Opening the Gateway to Awareness

As you have been contemplating this notion that the life you’ve lived to date was misleading, you reflect back on many points in time where you didn’t quite trust your intuition.  You felt certain things, maybe heard or saw certain things, but chose to reject, suppress and/or deny them like they were the square peg that didn’t fit into your round hole…

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Universal Story, Throat Steve Young Universal Story, Throat Steve Young

Speaking Our Truth

Contrast generally refers to the observation of differences in an object or subject.  Light versus dark, high versus low, fast versus slow.  In spirituality, contrast is also looked at as that which you do not like or doesn’t feel good…

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Heart, Universal Story Steve Young Heart, Universal Story Steve Young

The Heart is Home

It didn’t take you very long to see that being your authentic self led to the best life had to offer.  It led to connections that were more than you could have dreamed of, and fulfilling in an unfathomable way.  People who truly cared, who opened up their hearts and met yours.  It also led you to a higher perspective, where you saw that those who fell out of your life weren’t “bad”, but that they are all on their own path as well, trying to find their way...and even though their path doesn’t line up with yours, their authentic selves will lead them in their own right direction…

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Universal Story, Solar Plexus Steve Young Universal Story, Solar Plexus Steve Young

Your Personal Power

Transformations are never warm and fuzzy.  They leave us confused, perplexed, feeling lost, unsure of ourselves.  Each year in our youth, we outgrow clothes and have that awkward period where pants become highwaters, shirts magically shrink, and shoes suddenly hurt.  Our bodies begin to shift, our voices change, our hormones get imbalanced.  Then, when we think we are settling into comfort in life, we graduate high school or college, and get thrust into the real world, and once again, we don’t know what we are doing or where we are going…

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Sacral, Universal Story Steve Young Sacral, Universal Story Steve Young

Feeling Good

It is often found that when people are great at something, it is because they have a passion for doing it.  Passion can be a driving force that takes life to new heights, and when it originates from inspiration, it is almost always divine direction.  Passion often takes form in creative works on Earth.  Music, art, writing, philanthropy, volunteering, sports, landscaping, child care, family, romance...these are all areas full of creativity, and just scratch the surface…

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Root, Universal Story Steve Young Root, Universal Story Steve Young

Solid Foundation

You’ve found your stability.  Like a tree and its roots, you’ve taken yourself and firmly dug into the Earth’s soil, proclaiming that you are here with a purpose.  You will withstand the strongest winds of change, and you will reflect beauty to all who take the time to observe.  You will inspire others to find their soil and ground with great intentions…

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