Opening the Gateway to Awareness

As you have been contemplating this notion that the life you’ve lived to date was misleading, you reflect back on many points in time where you didn’t quite trust your intuition.  You felt certain things, maybe heard or saw certain things, but chose to reject, suppress and/or deny them like they were the square peg that didn’t fit into your round hole.  

You had an inkling this person was no good for you.  You felt a pop quiz coming.  You probably should have taken a different route to work.  Yet, you chose to ignore the feelings and continue on, because it’s what you were used to doing.

This reflection brought about a new question for you: why haven’t you trusted your intuition?  Was it because you didn’t want to be labeled “crazy” by society?  Was it a lack of belief in yourself?  Did you not feel safe with the information you received?  Where does that intuition even come from, anyway?  The innate feeling of being part of a larger picture lends credence to the idea: is it really possible that your intuition could be guidance from your higher being?  If so, wouldn’t it be beneficial to follow that guidance?  

You’ve cracked the foundation open, begun your awakening, and are now arriving at a hilltop.  Just over the horizon is further awareness of who you really are.  A lot more things in your life are starting to make sense.  Pieces of the puzzle are slowly coming together.  Why did it take me so long to get to this point?  Your intuition says: All that you have gone through, you needed to go through, to get you where you are.  You are exactly where you are supposed to be.  In this moment, you fully trust your intuition and feel into the release that it provided.  A warm vibrance of energy pulses through you, and for the first time you also understand that as a cue of being aligned with your inner being on a thought.

This awareness ushers in a new reality.  My intuition is my guidance system.  I’m not lost.  I’m not alone.  It is taking me in the direction of my true self, and all I have to do is allow it to guide me.  You realize that the old story has no basis anymore, and that it’s time for you to start a writing a new that aligns with your authentic self.


The Spiritual Awakening


Speaking Our Truth