Your Personal Power

Transformations are never warm and fuzzy.  They leave us confused, perplexed, feeling lost, unsure of ourselves.  Each year in our youth, we outgrow clothes and have that awkward period where pants become highwaters, shirts magically shrink, and shoes suddenly hurt.  Our bodies begin to shift, our voices change, our hormones get imbalanced.  Then, when we think we are settling into comfort in life, we graduate high school or college, and get thrust into the real world, and once again, we don’t know what we are doing or where we are going.

There is no exception to this when it comes to spiritual awakenings, either.  You may have had solid core beliefs and values that you built your life on, finally felt like you found your authentic self and were ready to face the world with confidence.  In comes a hand from the clouds that slaps you across the face, stunning you to your core...forcing you to re-evaluate those beliefs and values.  You had an idea that something would never happen in your life, not me...and it did.  The cycle repeats itself.  Why is this happening to me?  I don’t understand!  There must be something wrong with me.

There IS a difference to it this time around, though.  While you questioned yourself all over again, the despair and anguish feeling was fleeting.  It didn’t last very long.  You remembered that you’ve been through this FEELING before, and things turned out alright.  You took a few deep breaths, calmed your mind, and gave thanks to the Universe for the humbling lesson.  You understood that growth does not stop, nor does contrast ever not exist.  Without the contrast, there is no expansion.  You remembered that what happens is part of the plan, and part of your story.  

Sometimes these lessons are not readily noticeable, while other times you sense it right away and appreciate the opportunity to grow.  Because of your awareness and openness to receive, you dive deeper into your personal power.  As you claim this, you also acknowledge that your authentic self is forever changing, as each new experience brings contrast that leads to new desires.

One step at a time, as you develop your connection with your inner being, you find it easier to get back into alignment.  You comprehend that there will never be perfect constant alignment, but it’s about using the contrast to help you focus on what you do want, thus getting back into alignment.  This is a very empowering thought, and you can feel great creative energy flowing through you.  I can do ANYTHING!  When thought comes from inspiration, it leads to great places.  

What DO you want to do?


The Heart is Home


Feeling Good