Feeling Good

It is often found that when people are great at something, it is because they have a passion for doing it.  Passion can be a driving force that takes life to new heights, and when it originates from inspiration, it is almost always divine direction.  Passion often takes form in creative works on Earth.  Music, art, writing, philanthropy, volunteering, sports, landscaping, child care, family, romance...these are all areas full of creativity, and just scratch the surface.

The progress mankind has made in scientific breakthroughs and medical/technological advancements is astounding, and it came from inspired creation with passion.  The quality of human life is better than it ever was.  There are conveniences at every turn, instant answers to questions on the Internet, and the ability to connect the world over.

There is a key feeling associated with this fueled creativity.  Anyone operating this way will tell you that they do it because it feels GOOD.  It feels good to help other people.  It feels good to be great at something, to achieve great things, and to inspire others to do the same.  It also feels good to open the door for someone, to give up a seat for an elder, and to share food with someone less fortunate.  Feeling good is an aspiration of all humans.  When we are confident in ourselves, we feel good.  

As you had been through the cycles of life, being re-tested on areas you felt you had resolved, you gained confidence in yourself and began responding rather than reacting.  You learned the full lessons, and then they no longer happened.  You truly found resonance here, and found your footing.  You felt secure here, for maybe the first time in a long time.  You feared not the changes of life, but welcomed them.

It was at this point, then, where you contemplated what you want to do with this surging creativity.  Now that you regained equilibrium, you felt ready to move forward.  You knew you wanted to take what you’ve learned, and share it with the world, so that the world can benefit too.


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