Indigo Eye

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Split Energy

There has been a vibration in the collective a lot lately, that inspired this writing. This vibration is all around “split energy”, in its essence.

As an example, I recently commented on a post online about what “feeling lost” seems to be. My words:

I feel that I’m coming to find that being lost is only our human physical form being temporarily in a different place than our inner being.

We launch desires, even if unconsciously, and our inner being goes there and obtains that desire…but it takes our physical form some time to catch up. 

It’s almost like hide and seek with your inner being.

After reading that, a human brain in exploration may then ponder thoughts like:

  • Is it always the case that it takes time for our physical form to catch up?

  • What causes us not to go immediately along with our inner being?

  • What if I don’t want to play hide and seek, I just want the things I want, and I want them to manifest as soon as I want them?

Before we go through those thoughts, take a look at the thumbnail picture that I took and uploaded for this blog:

This picture above is a tree root. Starting from the bottom of the picture, imagine the single root as you and your inner being - aligned together, heading the same way. Then, as we head up the picture and get towards the middle, imagine that you launch a desire based upon contrast you experience in your life - even if you aren’t consciously aware that you did - and your inner being pivots off to the right branch of the root and heads in the direction of that desire. Human you, however, for any number of reasons, is not heading in the same direction - but rather, you are continuing on the path that you’re on, which looks more like the slightly straighter left branch of the root.

This is a split in your energy, where you’re not currently in alignment with your inner being - that is to say that the ALL of you is not currently heading in the same direction. There will be a negative emotion inside you physically as a result of this deviation from your inner being. The negative emotion is the indication that you are thinking or feeling about something differently than how your inner being sees it. The sense of being “lost”, or “unhappy”, or “off”, is the check engine light coming on, letting your physical body know that there is something to pay attention to here that is important to YOU…because you have not headed where your inner being went.

This may then sound like your inner being takes precedence in your life, and is “more important” than your physical brain/body, from the notion that if you’re not following your inner being, you feel negatively in some form. In a sense, this is true. Your inner being is the unfiltered, unobstructed, pure positive light essence of you; the pure extension of Source, or a higher power, or God, or however you choose to see it. It is that which guides you in this physical life through your lessons and to your desires, as you create. It is your up-to-date life GPS, always on, ready to give directions. Because your inner being transcends the subconscious and unconscious - aspects of your human brain that can contain programming or experiences that drive your behaviors and decisions in a direction away from where you and your inner being truly desire to go together - it would make sense to want to rely on the guidance that the inner being provides.

This isn’t to say that your physical brain, body, and experiences are not as valuable. It is through the experiences you have in this physical life, and the emotions that you feel, that you launch new desires to create new things. There is a reason you are in the physical, and there is absolute value in the five basic physical senses that are provided to you through a body and the 3D. There is value in the pain body giving you physical signals that something needs to be tended to. It is the coordinated effort between your inner being and your physical form, that you live the life you came to create.

So, we shift back to the examples of pondering thoughts mentioned before:

Is it always the case that it takes time for our physical form to catch up? No, it is not always the case. Have you ever woken up from a night of sleep and really felt compelled to have some coffee? The thought of that fresh cup of coffee brought you joy? Then, you immediately went to the kitchen, brewed coffee, prepared your cup how you like it, and drank it, reveling in the joy that the coffee was giving you? For this seemingly small part of your life, you were aligned in what you wanted and took inspired action to obtain it, without anything getting in the way. How about when your body signals to you that you need to go to the bathroom, the bathroom is not being used, and you…go. Everything lined up, and it happened the way you desired just about instantaneously. Sounds simple right? Almost too simple…but it is evidence that alignment, along with absence of resistance (like someone else using the only bathroom in the house at the time of need), leads to near immediate manifestation.

What causes us not to go immediately along with our inner being? A variety of factors can come into play, but all of these factors are some form of resistance to following our inner being. There could be fear, doubt, guilt, shame, or another negative emotion, that acts as a form of resistance to moving. There could be limiting beliefs in our mind. There could be subconscious programming, or there could be simply the perception that this particular desire is a much bigger decision and needs careful thought about how it affects our current lives, before a decision is made.

What if I don’t want to play hide and seek, I just want the things I want, and I want them to manifest as soon as I want them? Ah, this is where the beauty of the human physical experience comes into full view. In the non-physical, where there is pure positive energy, the same contrasting experiences don’t happen, and the growth gained through the physical experience doesn’t happen. Desires, in theory, would happen instantaneously there, as there would be no resistance. From the human mind perspective, the problem there is that everything would already exist, and there would be no reason for “creating” something new. For example - if love is “felt” all the time in the non-physical, no one would know what love DOESN’T feel like, and wouldn’t then desire for love. The physical experience provides us with a tailor-made canvas to paint in the colors of our own choices, desires, needs, wants, and preferences based on all the contrast we live through. So, how does this apply to the question? Our physical experience is designed to lead us through a journey of learning through experiencing contrast. While we have usually smaller desires that can be almost instantaneously manifested, the vast majority of this physical life is a process of unfolding along the way. The delays, the resistances, the “getting lost”, the “feeling unhappy”, the “off”…it is all an opportunity to grow while finding your way back to aligning with your inner being.

If you were present during reading this blog thus far, you will have noticed that I took you through a contrasting, learning, explorative journey itself, rather than leading you to the instant manifestation on an answer for split energy.

What is the solution for split energy? Getting all of you to go in the same direction.

But how? What if there are even more different parts of me that desire different things? What if I want to go to the park, but I know I really need to clean my house with it being a disaster, and it’s been several days that I put cleaning off because of work and kids, while deep inside I feel compelled to just follow joy?

If you remember, you will never get it wrong, and you will never get it all done. There will always be more desires in this physical life, and there will always be more contrast that will help launch those desires. This life is about being a work in progress.

I propose the following:

1) Re-calibrate to where you are at the moment, and go from there. For example, say you were going on vacation, you’re driving, and you’re following a GPS on your phone for directions. You accidentally make a turn that was different from the GPS that led you 15 minutes off course, or you purposefully decide to stop off at a restaurant a couple miles off the path to get some food. Would you need to go all the way back to the original road in order to get to where you want to go? Of course not! Leave the past in the past, whether mistakes were made or an intentional deviation happened. Accept that you are where you are now, and focus on going where you want to go from where you are.

2) Head in the direction of your inner being to re-align. I’ll give a few examples below:

If you feel split in several ways, choose one direction you will go for now and fully commit all of your energy to it, even if you are not aligned with your inner being at the moment. Get it on your side. Appease that part of you. You may find that it just wanted to be seen, felt, heard, and then it will go along with the rest of you. For example, if there is a part of you that wants to go to the park, and another part of you that wants to clean your house, and you’re not doing either one due to the other weighing on your mind…choose either one and fully commit. Let’s say you choose to clean the house. Let yourself fully be present with the part of you that wants to clean the house, and enjoys the process of making a clean living space. When you’re done cleaning, you may feel that part integrated back into your being, your energy being not-so-split, and all of you committed more than ever to go to the park. Then, when you go to the park, you not only feel the joy of enjoying the park, but you also realize that you felt joy by allowing yourself to clean. By giving the parts inside of you the care that they need, you can integrate them and reduce your splits in energy. You can’t do everything all at once, but you can take time to listen to the parts inside of you and align with them.

If there is a split in your energy and you know deep inside one of the options doesn’t align with your inner being, stay true to you and let go of that which doesn’t serve you. For example, if your friends invite you to go to a bar, and you are split between wanting to be with your friends but not wanting to go to a bar because you don’t drink and you don’t like bars, you know it is in alignment with your preferences to tell your friends no thanks.

3) Use these learning experiences to know when you have split energy, and allow yourself grace for the opportunities to decide which way to go, knowing that all roads will lead you back.

If you are presented with an opportunity, and you feel good about it, and you go for it - there is no split energy in that moment. If the opportunity doesn’t work out, that doesn’t mean you aren’t actually in alignment. There was something in it that was meant for you, just maybe not what you thought. There are times in our lives where our inner being goes to where we want to go, but we have to go through stages of learning and processes to get ready - to be ready - for what we want. Remember that what you currently “think” you want could potentially be a desire born from something in the subconscious or unconscious, and it will take traveling through that rocky manifestation experience to get your human brain to refine the desire until it truly lines up with where your inner being already went to. Allow yourself space to refine your desires without guilt or shame, no matter the life changes that happen as a result. Every experience has a building block for the castle you are creating. Trust in your inner being. You will know when the inner being is leading you, because it will be encouraging, and it won’t stop.