Indigo Eye

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Changing Frequencies

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energyfrequency and vibration.”

This quote, often attributed to Nikola Tesla (I state it this way, because it is unverified, and supposedly said to Ralph Bergstresser in a private conversation in 1942), actually holds a lot of valid meaning.

As we embark in our daily lives, going through our routines and schedules, we are often confined to the same...everything.  A certain set of people we interact with, certain foods we eat, certain places we dwell or visit, etc.  We operate within a specific frequency.  We do it when we are happy, and even when we are not.  

The happy ones have gratitude for their current situation, and savor in that which they enjoy, bringing more of it.  The sad ones cannot escape the anguish of their situation, bringing more of it.  Yet, in both scenarios, there is a budding desire for changes. 

The happy people will, through no fault of their own, experience the inevitable contrast of life, which will in turn create new preferences and desires.  The sad ones will, through every ounce of their being, get tired of the contrast and pray for new desires to manifest.  Yet, in both scenarios, there is budding resistance to the change in frequency.

The happy people will throw fear anchors in the dirt, proclaiming that they don’t want things to change, just yards away from docking at Fantasy Island.  The sad people will sit in their cage of illusion with a door that has no lock, staring at their desires across the room while screaming out that they don’t have the key.  Yet, in both scenarios, they are resisting to line up with the new frequency that their inner being has already become the moment they launched the new desires.

An old analogy, yet still a great one, is using radio stations when talking about frequencies and how they correlate to our human lives.  The happy people on 92.3 have launched new desires, whether they are consciously aware of it or not, and their inner being is now tuned into 94.1.  The happy people can’t hear the lovely new music on 94.1, because they are still on 92.3.  As the hand goes to change the station, it gets smacked away, with the happy people claiming “leave it here, I like this song!”  Meanwhile, the sad people are on 88.1, fully knowing that their inner beings are dancing on 91.5.  The hand goes to change the station, and the sad people yell out “don’t change it, you’ll get your hand smacked!”

Eventually, the song will get worn out, and thanks to the contrast that launched new desires, the hand will attempt again to turn the station.  If the happy and sad people have committed to aligning with their inner beings above all else, thus letting go of the resistance, the hand will be successful in changing the station.  At that point, all is well...until contrast happens again.  Will the now-seasoned happy and sad people appreciate what was, let go, and move on freely to the next station?

Let’s pause for station identification....  <radio joke>

Changing frequencies is not only part of the fabric of our lives, it’s an absolute.  It can even be magical, if you let it.  Notice that I didn’t just say “raising frequencies”.  That is because it is possible, and natural, to fluctuate up and down.  There will be low times, and those low times can last a long time if you offer the resistance to continue to stay on that station.  Your inner being is always on a high frequency, and it goes higher every time you create in the form of new desires and preferences.  The aim should be to attempt to align with your inner being as much as possible, so that you are living in your most authentic state.  Those happy people won’t always be happy, but there will always be something that will help them grow and enhance their happiness from where they are, to new depths.  They will need to let go of fears of losing something good, in order to experience something better than they could have ever imagined.  Those sad people will need to see all the pessimism they’ve snowballed, and know that they are only prisoners of their own minds.  They identify so much with the sadness, and need to release the fear knowing who they really are, which is a soul full of love and vibrancy.

Above, I mentioned that changing frequencies can be magical, if you let it.  Have you ever:

  • Raised your spiritual awareness through reading a book or attending a class, having a new-found interest in a topic like Reiki or Energy Healing, and THEN found that there have been books and videos out in the market for YEARS on this that you never knew existed?

  • Made new friends, and other people fell out of your life completely?

  • Ate a food routinely, then developed a distaste for it, while suddenly enjoying foods you never liked before?

  • Felt scared to overdraft in a low bank account, and then instantly relieved as the paycheck is deposited?

  • Experienced a fleeting moment of beauty and love, such as watching kids play happily, or the wind blow in trees, and realized you’ve been ignoring these things on a daily basis and wondered how?

These are all moments of changing frequencies, and the magical part is that all these frequencies exist simultaneously, yet you can “be in a different world” at a moment’s notice.  You can vibrate with different people, doing different things, on different stations, while those old people, things, and stations still exist without you in them.  Your next door neighbor that you no longer talk to, suddenly you just don’t see them anymore, yet they live 20 feet away, and they are still alive and well.  People are living in different “worlds”, that you don’t know exist...with the opportunity to jump on your station, and enter your life, with a shift in vibration and a click of the heels.  Not just people, but places, things...

What does that tell us then about the things that we WANT but don’t have?  The things we DESIRE as a result of the contrast we experienced?  It is all there...the people, the relationships, the objects, the experiences...they exist as we do, simultaneously.  We simply are not manifesting them because we aren’t on the same frequency yet.  We have to get out of our own way, and change the station...and there they are.  There it is. certainly...a secret of the universe.