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Energy, Timeless, Presence, Gene Keys, Balance Steve Young Energy, Timeless, Presence, Gene Keys, Balance Steve Young


Two lines in A Course in Miracles - Chapter 10, Paragraph 14, lines 8 and 9:

Time and eternity cannot both be real, because they contradict each other. If you will accept only what is timeless as real, you will begin to understand eternity and make it yours.”

These are lines that I only just recently read and highlighted, shared during a study session on Wednesday, and that once again came to mind just one day later.

Yesterday, I was having another spiritual conversation with my Mom, jumping into thoughts, feelings, emotions…her recollections of certain experiences with my late father…the journey in this life…when I was compelled to pull up her Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile to share with her the paragraphs that detail her Activation Sequence. Being that there is a deep and profound draw for myself to my own profile and the words written within, I wanted to share these with her. Rather than just printing it off and handing it to her, I asked her to listen as I read them each out loud. I tried not to have any expectations, but I was also hoping that she would connect with something that would validate her travelled path at this time. As I began reading, I saw her immediately feeling into the words…

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