As Above, So Below

I am down in the rabbit hole of Tarot, reflecting on the cards in the Rider-Waite tarot deck. The Fool’s Journey, as told by the Major Arcana group of the deck, is compelling to the inner being when the story is being shown. As I was glancing over the second card in the Major Arcana, The Magician, I was drawn to the visual expression of the phrase that has been spoken several times recently: “As Above, So Below”. If you look at the card, The Magician has a hand holding a double-tipped wand that is raised up pointing to the sky, while the other hand has a finger that is pointing down:


To me, the expression on the card symbolizes the connection between the Universe and Earth, the spiritual (non-physical) and the physical. Beyond the surface, it is more than just the connection, though. It is the reflection that what exists on one side, exists on the other. By understanding one side, there is understanding of the other. This duality is shown in a wide variety of ways to us: spiritual and physical, light and dark, good and bad, and so on.

We often overlook the importance of balance in these dualities, as we tend to fall heavy into one side, and if it is not the side we want to be on, we are looking to permanently shift to the other side. Both sides exist, and we are all that contains both sides, so it stands to reason that we will not ever “get rid of” the side that we don’t want. We must learn to balance, and even further, appreciate the side that we do not favor, for what it brings us in growth and expansion.

When it comes to spiritual and physical, there is nothing more important than alignment with inner being, with soul.

Doesn’t that then mean physical is pointless?

No. If physical was pointless, we would not be here! Aligning with your soul does not negate physical, but rather optimizes the focus of being in the physical.

If that is the case, then doesn’t it mean it is more important to focus on the physical, since we are here for a reason?

Alignment will provide the best results of your physical experience, and allow for the most growth for your soul through being on Earth.

So…it is equally important to integrate both spiritual and physical?

There you are! I knew you would come around.

But…I’m not quite getting it…how does that relate to “As Above, So Below?”

We came from the non-physical, down into the physical. By having physical experiences to grow as humans, we are expanding consciousness, and experiencing soul growth as well. The growth is a reflection in both sides. When we tap into the spiritual realms and connect with the Universe, we are bringing that non-physical energy to the physical existence, where we can then share it with the world. This is also a reflection in both sides.

Ahhhh. Well, what about “bad” experiences? Does that stunt growth?

Quite the contrary. If you’re able to open your human mind enough, you may be able to see that there are no bad experiences. There are only experiences, and those experiences lead to growth, no matter which direction they take us, or which feeling they evoke from us. There is no stunting of growth.

This then leads to balancing. We can utilize tools to help with balancing, such as setting healthy boundaries (like being able to say “No” when you don’t want to do something, without guilt, for example); taking breaks from things we are involved in that may be stressful, and choose activities that are relaxing; or, meditating to re-connect with our soul when we feel disconnected.

Your soul had a plan for this physical life, and you can work in conjunction with it to experience all that you were meant to. Take advantage of the guidance within, and in turn, expand your soul and collective consciousness. The experiences go hand in hand with each side, whether conscious of this or not.

It has never been more vital to bring the love and energy from the spiritual into the physical, than during the current state of life on Earth. There is certainly an unbalanced weight that is heavily focused on physical, and a disconnect from the spiritual. The Earth needs all the light and love that we can provide, and it is up to us each to tap into our inner beings, rise above that which ego is containing, and balance out the physical existence with our spiritual presence. We chose this time to be here. We chose this time to be ourselves from the inside out. The Universe will guide, and even push us, to balance out. If we do not, the Universe will handle the shift, and it may not be what we “want”…however, it will be just an “experience” to the Universe. The growth will continue, on both sides. Also, do not forget that this contrast is showing us what we need more of, so as much as possible, appreciate it for what it is…as it is aiding in our expansion.

As above, so below.


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