Indigo Eye

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Mysterious Ways

I went to a restaurant to pick up some food the other day. I arrived a little early, so I parked in a spot in the middle of the parking lot, preparing to leisurely browse through my phone to pass some time. However, right before my eyes made it to my phone, they locked on the pavement in front of me.

My eyes went right to it, and I saw nothing else around it. Do you see what I see? Here, I’ll rotate the image and center in for clarity:

Is this coincidence? Is it random? Is it simply just tracks laid by the universe going about its motion, caught at a moment when the mind perceives the energy forming into a visual sign?

As we know, nothing is random. Of everything visible in the environment that could grab attention - even moving objects, which usually take the focal point over stationary objects - this image prevailed.

The universe does indeed work in mysterious ways. It can be tempting to get too caught up in logic, or science, and throw out the magic happening before our beings. Conversely, don’t let ego run wild either. The universe will make sure to check that, too, when you least expect it.

It’s a good idea to be present when you are aware of messages from the universe, as well. Something that may have been on your mind at or near the exact moment you received the message or sign, can let you know quickly what the message is about.

Keep your senses open as you go about your days. If there is something beyond your control that is needed, ask the universe for help, and then be open to receive guidance…and just see what form it comes in. Let it surprise and delight you.