There is More Than This

Tell me if any of this sounds remotely familiar:

You were born into a family where the environment was one you simply did not resonate with. You felt like an alien on earth, like you didn’t come from here and you didn’t belong here, and it was unwelcoming and foreign. It was not loving, it was tough. It was not kind, it was jagged. It was not easy, it was survival. Your parents never had money, and you were always barely getting by. Your childhood was full of contrast, sprinkled with spices that tasted like what you imagined “love” might feel like. It was difficult to discern whether or not the love was real, because there were many instances where it was clear that love was absent.

Because of this vast pool of contrast that you swam in, you were able to refine what you wanted very early. You were “forced to grow up” quickly. You spent your childhood dreaming and aiming to be and have the love you weren’t given. No, not stopping there…you wanted a better quality of life itself. You broke the mold, and you wanted to end that mold going forward.

The system teaches that schooling leads to a career, and a career leads to retirement where you can finally enjoy your life’s work. You were steadfast in your goals to not be your parents, achieving well along the way. You rose through schooling, told yourself you would not be limited in the ways your parents were, that you would be better and make more money than they did…so you would not have to suffer the same again. As you came of age to begin working, you found a field that interested you, and you started the path to better days. You worked your tail off, and with continual progress, you eventually surpassed the salary that your parents made. You won. You envisioned the day you retire 30 years into a successful career, and ride off into the sunset living a glorious life. You held a brief celebration in your mind as you broke through that ceiling, but the music stopped playing when life was still throwing problems, bills, limitations, stress, and anything else your way. Just having more money than your parents wasn’t enough, and you realized how amazing it was that your parents ever got by on what THEY made.

You progressed even farther, getting older. At some point, you contemplate whether the cap on salary in a job working for someone else will ever lead to achieving the material goals you have. You contemplate starting your own business, where once again you open up a whole new world of limitless possibilities to obtain financial freedom, and live the life you want.

During the course of all of this, you have a spiritual awakening, likely caused by something completely outside the realm of money, although it could have been related. You question the meaning of life, your purpose here, what is fulfilling to you? Then you start to realize that these questions existed when you first arrived into your family and the environment that was so toxic to you. The material goal…what was the goal again?

“To make more money than my parents ever did”.

And why was that, again?

“So that I wouldn’t have to live a life of misery, taking out my frustrations on my loved ones because I couldn’t afford to provide much of anything.”

Did making more money than your parents solve that problem?

“In a sense, no. Making more money than them felt good, but it didn’t solve any problem, as more money seems to always be required for life’s demands, and it places a lot of stress on those who aren’t able to obtain it when needed.”

So, the lack of money caused your parents to not show you the love you needed as a child?

“Well…no. They did the best they could with what they had…”

Ok…so money isn’t really the issue here, is it?

“I guess not.”

At this point, you remembered that money and materials don’t bring anything more than temporary pleasure, and while you’ve heard it many times, this time you understood it. You then began to see that you live in a system that runs on money, which perpetuates greed, corruption, and control. The money itself is not a negative energy, but ego within the system is cutthroat. You see that whether you are working for a company, or running your own, it is all about the money. In this system, it is not about the love. The workers of companies are hired to bring the company more money, and are fired to save money. In what once started out as a business born from a passion, owners get consumed and slave away night and day trying to make their company as profitable as they can. It becomes about the money, and not about the idea behind the business, nor the people, nor the love.

You see that the system is built to run like an assembly line…to churn out workers like cogs in a wheel, competing for the most amount of money possible. The cogs that don’t fall in line and work within the system get discarded and replaced, in order to keep the system working, without second thought. The idea of schooling to enter a 30-year career and retiring into a good ending…looks like a fallacy. The whole system looks like a fallacy. How is this sustainable?

You then think back to the beginning of coming here. The love. Where is the love?

Again…”Why am I here? What is my purpose in this? I’m not of this mold, either. I’m not driven by money like the system is. Nothing that money can buy, fills the holes in the hearts of people who aren’t being seen, heard, held, acknowledged, validated, and loved. It is no wonder that there is depression, numbing with substances, suicides, hatred, confusion, and a litany of other negatives running rampant on Earth.”

You see that when a pandemic hits that affects generating income for a lot of people, how much of the system is reliant upon money, and how much rage there is for the lack of the money. Financial assistance is sparse, and love is out the window, yet again.

You’ve felt it all along, ever since you came here. There is more to this life. Running in the hamster wheel on a daily basis is mundane, the moment you recognize that there is more. You feel it, and you question it. It is very difficult to wrap your logical mind around, because you realize that the “more” to life extends past the system, and it is territory not yet explored by mankind. How do we break free of this system? What do we create that is better? How do we take steps doing something never done before, where there is no manual?

That last question in itself…isn’t that how we got to the point we are at in this system, to begin with? Minds used their imagination, visualizing a life from rocks, plants, animals and water that grew to the highly technical, corporate world we live in now, without any manuals along the way?

I know I came here for love. To experience love, to share love, to create from love. Love is the life force from which we originate, and from which we do magnificent things. I know I felt out of place from the beginning, and I knew the contrast provided me with focus that reminded me of what I wanted. I don’t yet know what the New Earth will be, but I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that whatever it looks like, it will be built on a foundation of love, which does not exist in this system…

Did any bells ring for you? Any tingling in your body? Any warm flushes? I know you are out there, feeling the same way. I know I am not alone. The light inside of you will always outshine the darkness. The darkness will always exist, but it is the contrast that helps us appreciate the light for what it is. If you understand where I’m coming from…if you feel this in your soul…do not be afraid to step forward into your light. Do what you need to do to continue supporting yourself and your loved ones in the system, while bringing forth your light to help create a new one. Love is certainly required for the foundation of any way of life. Collectively we can create a better way. We may not yet know what that way is, but we know there is more than this…


Beyond the Veil


What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up?