Inner Being

GPS devices have made great strides over the years.  Many years ago, a GPS device had maps downloaded to it, and whatever was on that map was the baseline for the directions given to you.  If the roads or buildings changed or closed, and you didn’t manually update the maps, you were easily misled, and then you had to ask for directions or just wing it.  In modern times, if you have used a map app on your smartphone during any recent driving experience to go somewhere, you have probably encountered several luxuries.  The maps have been updated for you.  You were given detours because of accidents.  You were shown the traffic along the route, so you could anticipate the bottlenecks.  If you veered off-course, the app would automatically recalculate and provide you with the new optimal route.  You still ended up getting to where you needed to go, and your trusty modern GPS didn’t let you down.  It has become a staple in the lives of many who are traveling to new destinations.

Ironic, then, that so many of us are willing to trust technology to lead us where we need to go, yet second guess - and even ignore - the built-in GPS inside ourselves.  I can’t do that.  I don’t want to do that.  That’s not how I planned this.  If I work harder, I’ll make this happen!  WHY?!?!  We treat ourselves like we have an old, outdated GPS.  We set a destination, make our plans on how to get there, and begin traveling.  Then, we encounter a road block, traffic jam, detour, or dead end, get frustrated at the world, talk about how it wasn’t supposed to happen this way, how this wasn’t on the map, and get to the point of asking someone else for direction - or we don’t, and we just start winging it.

Little do we realize in those times that we’ve had a modern GPS all along, we just refuse to open up and listen to it.  The map updates for us all the time.  We are given warnings of traffic jams and provided with detours.  If we veer off-course, intentionally or not, the route gets automatically recalculated for us and the new optimal route is presented to us.  This always-up-to-date internal GPS is our Inner Being.  It is our higher self.  If we give it a chance and connect with it, it will never let us down.  

We get caught up in all the details when planning our destinations and what we want in life, and create resistance when things aren’t going how we planned them...but the “how” has never been our responsibility in the first place.  When we use GPS devices and apps, and we put in the address of where we want to go, we don’t tell it the exact route we want to take, we let it provide that to US.  We let IT tell US HOW we will get to the destination, and we simply...go.

Why would we not do that with our own Inner Being?  When we ask, the Universe then knows where we want to go, and the Universe also knows the best route to get there.  Take a little bit of time to reflect in your life on the things you want.  The dreams, the goals, the places, the relationships, the experiences, the connections.  Think about where you currently are in relation to those things.  Do you have them?  If so, great!  Not yet?  Contemplate whether or not you’ve been attempting to control how you get there.  If you find, in any way, that you’ve been working on the “how”...let go.  Let go of the resistance, let go of the control, let go of the desire for instantaneous manifestation.  The “how” is not your responsibility.  Focus on heading in the direction of your destinations, but allow your Inner Being to guide you there.  Listen.  If an obstacle pops up, allow your Inner Being to take care of re-routing.  Keep flowing, and keep going.  You won’t be led astray, and you will reach your desires.




Searching for Souls