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Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Culture

As we move on from the Vocation Sphere, we cross the Pathway of Initiative:

The Pathway of Initiative is one that I feel I’ve been on constantly. The challenge of this pathway is to bring forth your creativity in ways that only you can. I’ve gone through a lot of questioning whether I had any creativity, into rebelling against anyone else’s templates, and then quite simply finding ways to express my uniqueness (including starting this website to blog on). A stripping away of external societal motivations such as money, status, fame, and material gains, and really getting down to what is inside, PERIOD.

Richard speaks of a right formula for initiative being a blend of tenderness and passion. It is an evolutionary discovery of passion while having tenderness that I go through.

It’s also synchronistic for me that this path holds the name of the 51st gift, and that Siddhi of Awakening speaks of how we each have to find our own path to awakening, “striking out alone” as Richard comments, saying “everything about this pathway is about going at it alone in the beginning”. I have a Midheaven in Aries in 51.5. The Midheaven being about career, public life, highest aspirations; Aries in this spot embodying independence, trailblazing, being a leader, and following one’s own instincts. I go beyond even “career” in this idea…I’m not interested in bringing my uniqueness out and then “wrapping it in a different package for the same old market”. I’m interested in very simply being authentic me and letting that be the example I lead by.

My Culture sphere holds Gene Key 50.5. Gene Key 50 goes from the Shadow of Corruption, through the Gift of Equilibrium, to the Siddhi of Harmony. The 5th line in this sphere pertains to “Society”.

It is no secret, if you’ve read my previous blogs, that I was challenged with ancestral and genetic corruption upon birth, and I was quick to begin to rebel against it. In the Gene Keys book and audio, the shadow of corruption is spoken of in the context of data corruption - where “…data that is processed by the human brain is translated through the medium of fear. As this occurs the data is corrupted, leading to a slanted manifestation in the world.” This is a reality. In the technology world, data corruption can occur when a server is powered off abruptly - not given a chance to finish processing and saving the data safely to a hard drive. This correlates very cleanly to humans, where if we lose our alignment with our inner being abruptly and begin operating from a lower vibration emotion like fear, the information we then express is not of our authentic selves, but rather it is corrupted with a filter of negative emotion and a trajectory that heads towards unwanted destinations overall, not to mention that it cannot be received in integrity on the other end, either. You can feel the programming partner in the 3rd Gene Key and it’s shadow of Chaos in all of that. I have historically rejected modern leadership and management, knowing how riddled with corruption it is. I also have first-hand experience living the repressed state of this shadow, which is being “overloaded”. There has been many times in my life where it has felt like there is no beating corruption or the system…where being authentic and unique and having a voice felt like it didn’t matter - I wouldn’t be seen or heard or make any difference. I do believe that a lot of that ties into the issues I had with creativity - the book says “this low frequency creates a stalemate because it is in their dreams that their creativity resides. Only when the deep fear is faced can their creativity force an outlet for them to transcend the system.”

There is an achievement of the Gift of Equilibrium when one takes ownership of self, and allows others to take ownership of themselves, while working with heterarchy rather than heirarchy. For me, that started with myself early on. I took stock of all the familial issues, and accepted where I could take responsibility for myself and make shifts to eliminate the bad data being passed down. “The buck stops here”, I’ve always said. I felt I would make sure that my children were given a clean slate in the lineage and that I’d be able to be eraser of the slate and holder of the space for that…but I had to also open up to the aspects of fragmentation that I wasn’t aware of in myself that would only show once I had children of my own. In these instances, my children really were the teachers - they brought out the lessons in me, and with their innocence and inquisitiveness, I have had to constantly re-evaluate self, release, and understand that I’ll never get it done, nor will I get it wrong. Beyond me, I was aware enough to always allow them space to bring forth themselves, and give them a platform to own their uniqueness. I do not ever want my children to “fear” me, for that would just perpetuate the corruption of the data that would continue on…but I encourage them to have clarity, transparency, and integrity in their communication and relationship with me. They understand that I will not fault them for stating their own case on anything, they are safe to do so. They more and more understand their role as children to a parent, while they are empowered to be a full human being that is acknowledged and validated as important, too. To me, this is a great example of the fusion of the 50’s gift of equilibrium with the 44’s gift of teamwork, in the Codon Ring of Illuminati. The learning and refining process with my children has been carried over into my relations with adults and others…honoring the other in the current stage of their journey and encouraging them to bring forth their authentic selves.

At the Siddhic level, the 50 brings Harmony. The 50 is said to be one of the musical Gene Keys, and this Siddhi exemplifies that. Imagine listening to a classical score from a soundtrack of a movie, how all the instruments each play an important part in the piece and if any of them weren’t to be playing or were playing “off”, the piece would not be the same…and in their unison, they create harmony. It is in this notion, when each soul is bringing forth their authentic vibration and the sound it makes, together in heterarchy with other authentic souls, that the “gathering of the Illuminati” happens. A classical score for the ages is born. “Along with the 6th Siddhi of Peace, the 50th is one of the true master keys governing and protecting human destiny.” I can see why this key is titled Cosmic Order, and I can see the components in my design that steer this way, as the 6th Gene Key is my Life’s Work. There is a sense of shedding into authenticity, and then bringing that authenticity into areas of humanity to knock down walls and help shift into harmony in order to help the destiny of humanity…something that mentally sounds like a tall order, yet only requires me to be myself.

This harmony coincides with the Siddhi of the 44, creating a “Divine Synarchy”. In the writing here, I’ve thought of this as a “Divine Orchestra”. What a way to elevate consciousness, to play your true core tone, and come into confluence with others doing the same, rippling a song throughout the universe that is felt in the heart of all.

The line 5 of “Society” in this sphere has another “tall order” vibe to it, when looking at it mentally. Much like the repressive nature of the 50 to be “Overloaded”, it gives off an aroma of grandeur beyond the scale of possibility, as this line speaks of being a “global player”. Getting out of the mental space, and dropping down into connection with the inner self, it is still no more than just being authentic as I go out into these areas of society, playing that core tune. This is an area of work in progress for me, where resistance still is at play, because thoughts and beliefs about not being able to have privacy or keep to myself and be left alone if I were to be a global player in some shape or form, are still present. I have experienced being a catalyst in 1-on-1 environments, and small group environments, just being self…and witnessed shifts in others that was driving in the direction of equilibrium and harmony, so I comprehend what is entailed here. I’m also pre-equipped with an absence of an obsession for power, so I know I’m built for it. To me as a 5th line, there is arguably nothing more practical and accessible to all than for each to find and be their authentic selves - and this goes beyond genders, cultures, political parties, and any other separating and identifying box. I predominantly think and operate from a higher place than those boxes, and it has been difficult in the past communicating from that level when others are in the thick of those boxes…so meeting in a place others can universally exchange information without corruption - at the core and through authenticity to themselves - is important in creating the harmony needed to remove the systems in place that aren’t needed anymore.

There was a slight hint of belonging arrived at through writing this blog alone…belonging on Earth and in this timeline, felt through the words that flowed out of me here. It is not a feeling that I have had in this way before, so it was growth itself to voice this. May I lead by example in this way, too.