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Claiming Your Path

One of the best things about being in alignment with your inner being is the receiving of the incoming messages that inspire to ideas and actions that bring you further joy. As a few of us were recording episodes of “Awakening with Soulspirational” at the Soulspirational Wellness Center, right in the flow of conversation came the inspiration to write this blog. Before I continue on with the topic of this blog, we recorded three video episodes where Tish, Rick, and myself talked about the topics of Ascension, Resistance, and Synchronicity. If you have resonance or curiosity about any of those topics, and would like to watch the episodes, please check out the Soulspirational Wellness Center YouTube Channel at the following link. The Ascension episode is now up, and the Resistance and Synchronicity episodes will be uploaded as final touches are completed:

Soulspirational Wellness YouTube Channel

The inspiration during the discussions came through as a statement to let others know that walking your path alone is not something to fear or be ashamed about. However, I want to take this into deeper places, because when stripping away all of the contrast - what is left is you and your path here.

As we know, we are conditioned by society when we come into this physical life, to live certain ways, eat certain things, follow certain traditions, believe in certain beliefs, and so on. In infancy and very early youth, we don’t give thought to it, we simply comply with implicit trust from anyone near that this “is how life is”, because it’s what we see, feel, hear, taste and touch around us. We have a sort of soul connection amnesia going on, and it is as if there’s a brain fog that prevents us from remembering who we really are. Eventually, little sections of that fog start to clear away, and this is when we start questioning aspects of our lives and how we are living them at the time. What causes the fog to start clearing away? This is a fun one for me to connect.

The blog at notes the following:

A fog is just a cloud at the ground. Fog formation can occur in two ways. First, the air is cooled to the dew point which leads to the formation of fog droplets. When the air temperature is the same as the dew point temperature, condensation occurs on tiny particles floating in the air. The second method of fog formation requires water to evaporate from the surface into the air, raising the dew point until condensation occurs.

Fog often dissipates with daylight. This is sometimes referred to as the fog “burning off” but that analogy is not correct. When the sun rises, the air and ground warm up. This leads to the air temperature being warmer than the dew point temperature, which causes the fog droplets to evaporate.

From that notion, the immediate visualization is presented to me in this fashion, if you would entertain:

We are born into the physical life with a purposeful blockage of our soul’s light and remembering who we are. The blockage is purposeful, because if we came here fully embodying the connection of our soul and all of it’s light, we would not accept the contrast being provided in this physical life (that did not exist in the non-physical), and we would not experience the expansion and growth we came here to learn. This blockage is like an insulated eggshell around our soul and the light contained within. Due to the lack of light, and thus a lack of heat, the cooler temperature along with the water in the body causes fog to form outside of eggshell, and the connection between the soul and the physical body isn’t open…it’s “hidden”. Then, during that youth - no specific time or age attached - we organically experience something that resonates with our soul. It’s completely unconscious to our human mind at that point, but we feel it in our bones, in our soul. What the experience caused, though, was our soul calling our physical body to connect, and the light within us pulsated at the resonance of the experience as if it was saying “YES!”. This pulsation caused the eggshell to crack open slightly, which allowed a little bit of the soul’s light to shine through. The light peering through the shell was enough heat to dissipate some of that fog, and we experienced the first moment of remembrance.

This is new territory, undeveloped land in our lives, and we don’t know what to do with it. We go back and forth with these odd feelings internally, especially when what is coming from inside differs from what is in our environment. To give an idea, random examples like:

What is being preached in this church doesn’t quite feel right to me inside, but my parents and grandparents have been coming here for years and believe in this.

Dad hit Mom and she cried, and then later told us that she loves him and everything is OK, he just gets upset sometimes.

All the girls in my class have boyfriends, but I think I like girls.

Our family has owned a baking business for over 80 years, and every generation has been involved in working at the bakery. I don’t like baking, though. I really like to paint.

Naturally, when your environment is full of something one way, and you feel inside like you are a different way, you feel something is wrong with you. The people in your environment may even feed that feeling to you, because you don’t seem to want to be included in how things are for everyone else…after all, it is a connection point in the environment - those who are there have all bonded over aspects in that environment for connection and inclusion. You may be confused, because you want connection and inclusion just as much as anyone else, but you just feel different than what’s presented in that environment. You may decide in some situations that you will just ignore the different feeling inside, and tuck it away, because you don’t want to stand out as the oddball. You don’t want to be made fun of. You don’t want to feel like you don’t belong, or aren’t loved. You might think that the numbers show that the only person with a problem in the environment is you, and unless you want to try to “fix” that feeling inside (that you cannot fix, by the way), you’re going to have to “suck it up”.

Yes, you could suppress the difference. Slap a band-aid on that, and pretend all is good. Then the next experience that resonates with your soul hits, more light cracks open, and a little more fog dissipates. Now, you feel even more different than you did before, and even more confused. Why is this happening? What is wrong with me? Such a paradox this is, because what feels so bad to you, is actually you remembering more and more of who you are, and why you came here…the best possible thing! Yet, you don’t know this, and that is perfectly OK. Why the hell would that be perfectly OK? Why, because you’re learning the lessons you came here to learn in all contrasting experiences, and it’s leading to your expansion. These contrasting experiences are providing the clarity on things that you desire - through showing you what you don’t want. As you come to understand what you truly desire, that resonates with your soul…which cracks that egg open farther, and more light dissipates more of that fog.

The more this happens, the more uncomfortable you get in your environment. You face the possibility of losing a person, or people, or a job, or a home, or any number of other things, because it is becoming unbearable to stay within the environment that those things seem to be cemented in. You get to a point where you start to “know” that you’re going in a different direction, and you’re feeling “guided”. Supressing doesn’t help, because your desires are still there. You feel the pulsation of the light inside when something resonates with your soul. You cannot “fix” these feelings, and you start to accept that there is nothing wrong with them. Could there actually be nothing wrong with me, either?

This would be one of those great moments in life to tell you to just let go. Let go of resistance of walking your path that is leading you somewhere else. Let go of fear that you will be alone, lonely, unwanted, unloved, made fun of, choosing the wrong thing, or not getting where you want to go. Let go of the things that don’t resonate with your soul, and allow them to flow where they are destined to go. Let go of the conditioning that society applied, and start to walk your authentic path each step as you can.

There isn’t anything wrong with you. You are growing, expanding, and remembering who you are and why you came here.

Yes, that environment and the situations within it, were tailor-made to provide you with all sorts of contrast, so that you would be able to grow. More so, your soul planned it! That’s right! Your soul drew up a plan that said that “I want to experience A, B, and C when I go into the physical on Earth. In order to do that, I need to be born to this parent and that parent, in this home, where life is like D. This exact concoction of circumstances will provide me with the contrast needed to learn the exact lessons I’ve planned, and gain understanding and growth for my soul’s evolution.” It didn’t stop there at birth and in childhood, though. Contrast is being provided throughout your life, in different environments, in different scenarios, in different stages, for you to continue the growth you came here to have.

You start to let go, and you start to really trust and listen to that calling inside of you that is shining its rays out to the world. You become a bit less worried about being alone or lonely. Because of how joyful it feels, you consciously focus towards more of it. You notice that your mindset has shifted to spending the majority of the time - even if it is just 51% - on focusing on what YOU WANT instead of what you DON’T WANT. Things are changing in your life. Some people are disappearing. Maybe a job or residence changes. Yet, things are OK. You begin to see that you will be OK no matter what, and that maybe you spent a lot of time worried about nothing (reminder - do not beat yourself up for those negative emotions - they served a valuable purpose in your path, and you did the best you could with what you knew at the time. Aim going forward to acknowledge the contrast as it comes, including the negative emotions if any, and then shift the focus towards the solution).

Once outside that environment, you are able to see that the environment wasn’t for you after all. You weren’t wrong. You start to actually LIKE spending time with yourself, because you see that your inner being took you somewhere safer, or cleaner, or more nurturing, or more loving, or more resonant with you. You might be physically alone, even completely, but you’re OK. You didn’t lose out on anything. You gained.

As you follow this more and more, and your light pours through more and more, you can’t help but want to share it. It feels so good, and you want others to know that this is possible for them as well. You begin striking conversations with people, and they feel this light of yours, and they see it. Something pulsates inside of them, their shell cracks more, and their light shines more. You encounter a group of people who love to share this light together, and you spend hours talking about it without getting exhausted. You leave feeling energized, and excited for the next adventure that your soul will take you on. Suddenly the thoughts occur to you: I’m not alone. I’m not lonely. I’m following my path, and there are others who resonate with me showing up and sharing it with me. It isn’t feeling “off”, it isn’t feeling draining, it’s what I need.

Now, at this point, ego might creep up (we are still human, after all): What if I start to have a falling out with someone that was resonating with me? What if the environment shifts? What if I no longer enjoy doing X?

By now you’ve learned…let go of that which does not resonate. Have no attachment to outcomes, but rather appreciate experiences for what they are, and have gratitude for what exists in your experience in the present moment.

Your shell will continue to have more moments to crack open. That brings about this one: let go of the frustration that it is taking you years to figure out what your passion is, what your purpose is, what you’re meant to do. This is a process of continual expansion. You will, throughout your entire physical life, have contrasting experiences that will further crack open your shell, and further shine your light. This will possibly be years and years and years for you. Enjoy the journey in the present, and allow it to unfold as your soul intends.

Claim your path, from this day forward. Wherever you stand in your life, whatever contrasting experiences are happening, whatever pains and problems and issues exist…allow yourself to start letting go of everything that doesn’t resonate with you. Do not fear being alone. Things, people, places, they will come and go. Some may stay, even permanently, if they resonate. Others may not. Allow yourself to start taking steps in the direction of where your soul calls. Leaving the environment is not the end of the world. Leaving the relationship is not the end of the world. Leaving the job is not the end of the world. It is the beginning of a more authentic physical life. You WILL resonate with others. You WILL attract people who understand you. You WILL experience more joy, and also more contrast…but you will understand that the contrast is an opportunity for growth, and you will thank the Universe for the experience. Take in the lessons that all of the contrast is teaching you, and use them to help others. Share your light, and you will be an example for others that it is OK to just be yourself. Don’t worry about those who throw rocks, let them find what resonates with them while you are busy heading in the direction of your soul. Do not worry about how big your contribution to humanity is. Do not compare your path to someone else’s. This is unique to you and only you, and once you’ve opened up to it, you will FEEL when you’re resonating with your path…much like I do while writing this blog.

It is between your soul and you, this path.