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Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Vocation

In the last blog, I completed the Venus sequence with the Core Sphere. As I now begin to walk through the Pearl sequence, the focus on this sphere shifts to Vocation.

Recapping, my Vocation sphere holds Gene Key 18.5. Gene Key 18 goes from the Shadow of Judgment, through the Gift of Integrity, to the Siddhi of Perfection. The 5th line in the case of the Vocation sphere, however, is “Management (repsonsibility)”.

The premise behind the Pearl sequence lies in a question: “How can I be of the greatest service to the Whole?

From the Pearl sequence about the Vocation Sphere:

Your Vocation: the gift is in the Gift

We begin our journey with the Sphere of your core wound, which now becomes the Sphere of your Vocation. Vocation is a lovely word that carries the notion of an inner calling. At a certain point in your inner journey, your core wound does indeed call you out into the world. There comes a time when you simply have to stop processing. 

We will not attain the perfection our mind is looking for. There is nothing to attain. The magic comes when you open up enough of a highway into your heart, so that the Shadow state no longer dominates your life. Remember, we are not looking for complete redemption. We are here to bring about reconciliation of the opposing forces within us. Spiritual enlightenment is no longer on the menu! We can let go of those notions and the idea that the Shadow and Siddhi are so far apart. The gift is in the Gift!

The Gift frequency is where the Holy Grail lives. The Grail is not found as we might imagine in the Siddhi. The Gift frequency is where the human heart resides. It is where creativity and genius reside. The more we open our hearts to life and to others, the more we close the illusory gap between the Shadow and the Siddhi. Your Gifts are like wormholes that reconcile the opposites inside you; not through any attainment, but through a clear perception and embodiment of their creative potential. In your Venus Sequence, when your SQ – your spiritual intelligence – opens and flowers, so it triggers the flowering of your vulnerability as your single-most creative calling – your Vocation. And through the Pearl, as you learn to don your actor’s cloak and live out your Vocation, so in time it becomes your Life’s Work, the outer expression of that core talent.”

A couple of those sentences really stick out for me:

1) We will not attain the perfection our mind is looking for.

It is quite the hit to the mind when it understands that the Core Wound flavor of Gene Key 18 is Judgment, and the Siddhi is Perfection itself, to have an upfront understanding that the Siddhi will not be obtained as the mind would see it.

2) The Gift frequency is where the Holy Grail lives.

The Gift of 18 is Integrity. There is such perfection in integrity, such purity. There is also a lot of integrity missing in society. We’ve gone away from the core of who we are in order to fulfill societal expectations, achieve status that society pedestalizes, and obtain material belongings for the sake of how we are perceived by others as a way to give us a sense of belonging and connection. There are a lot of people who have struggled with split energy, myself included, over living within this system because it is what IS, and staying in integrity to self when it pulls us away from what we know to be.

As mentioned above, the SQ opening triggers the vulnerability of the Vocation. For me, the SQ is 23, the Gift of Simplicity. I have felt this in my body…the release of complexity, the letting go of things that did not resonate, the return to simple focus of what makes me energized and excited and light up…coincides perfectly with being in integrity. Things feel complex when we have to “make them happen”, or “fight for things to work”. They feel complex, in part, when we are attempting to make other’s journeys fit ours in order to maintain connections or some of the benefits we receive from others. There is a fine line, yet such a difference, between forcing things to work to maintain our integrity, and focusing on our integrity and lettings things fall into alignment with it. I learned that I do not want anyone in my life that doesn’t want to be there, and vice versa. I do not want to get involved in engagements, commitments, or activities where my integrity is compromised. I’ve worked on honoring my “no” when that is the answer that comes from within. “No” has become my default, for anything that doesn’t feel like my soul jumped towards it. For me, starting from a baseline of minimalism and simplicity is helpful, so that listening to the intuition is not drowned out by all the information coming in when wide open.

The Siddhi of Perfection is such a paradox, when you know that mentally you never get there, yet you achieve it when you realize that everything that currently exists is already perfect. It is all as it is supposed to be, and that’s such a hard truth to many, for many reasons. For all the struggles I’ve gone through, I’ve known peace when realizing if things were meant to happen any other way, they would have. I cannot argue against what is, without taking myself away from my inner being. On the other hand, we know that we are not living in a perfect world…so many are struggling on a daily basis, and struggle is not an attribute of the divine. It seems that the pursuit of perfection may be more suited to shift to the pursuit of balance between divinity and humanity.

The line 5 in the Vocation sphere is designated “Management (the promoter)”. I believe this is the first line of any sphere in my Golden Path where I shuddered at the keynote. I’ve been in the corporate world for over 25 years, and I’ve never seen management that I’ve aligned with (save for one particular boss). The politics of the system have always disappointed me, and the masks worn by management to perform and protect their own positions at the expense of others has been common to see. The bigger the company, the worse it is. With all of this said, the word “management” comes with a greatly negative connotation to me. I have rejected management roles in several jobs, because I did not want to tow the company line nor get involved in the politics. Instead, I would be a team lead, where I would either be performing the work and sharing the knowledge in documentation I would create, collaborating with teammates to solve problems when they couldn’t figure them out, or encouraging others to come forward and making sure that their contributions were valued.

The Pearl Sequence’s breakdown of the 5th line in Vocation is:

If you have a 5th line Vocation then you have the opportunity to be one of the heralds of the new global consciousness, at whatever level you play within the whole. You must ask yourself the Grail Question: what is the highest service I can perform for my fellow human beings and the earth? In my short lifespan, what is the most I can do? The answer for you must then be transmitted to others and brought to as many people as possible. In the modern internet age, the 5th line has arrived at the age in which it can achieve its zenith. You can reach so many people across the world in such a short space of time. When the 5th lines come together at a much higher frequency then they will begin to change not just the way in which we do business, but the reason why we do business. For a business to be in service of the whole, then its whole structure must be different. It must be a cohesively run organism whose players all have the same vision at their hearts. This is not just an idealistic dream, but a real possibility. Commerce can become a sacred means of serving ourselves and the world. We just have to begin it in a new way. With their practical abilities, the 5th line carries the potential to make this dream real.

As the promoter of a new ideal, the 5th line’s role is to oversee the whole project, and work out how best to deliver it to the world. They alone are answerable for the success or failure of any endeavour. If the 5th line is heavy-handed in their leadership style, then they will create friction and resistance within the organism. The high frequency 5th line knows that nature itself is most efficient, when it has the freedom to self-organise. This means that governance needs a very deep understanding combined with a light touch. Leadership based on virtue and humility is the most powerful form of governance. It is a very exciting time for the 5th line to be alive, because it is a time for smashing old paradigms, and innovating an entirely new structure and language that can maximise the amazing creative genius inherent in the human race.”

I cannot pretend that I have interest in business, either…it is in the same realm as management, leadership, sales, and marketing to me. This part of the Golden Path has the most resistance for me, which is telling sign that it has the greatest potential for growth, too. I’ve been through some Leadership sessions in Gene Keys realm that have helped shift my perspective on what leadership CAN be beyond what society has made it out to be. I know this is the case as well with management. The area of opportunity for me lies in finding how can I be of the greatest service to the whole, in a way that is aligned with my integrity, so that I can utilize my innate leadership and management to its full potential?

This will always be out of the box for me, as it has to be something new. I’ve been aligning with helping others see their authentic selves, and I feel that it is along that realm. Once again, I’m reminded of how important it is for me to let the mind take a backseat, so that intuition can drive. I don’t think it’s coincidental that Gene Key 18 governs the IQ and the mental process, and there are so many 57’s (Gift of Intuition - shows up three times, including the full 34/57 channel in both conscious and unconscious sides) in my natal chart.