Indigo Eye

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There are so many fascinating works of architecture, art, technology, tools and more, on this Earth and throughout history. These mankind-made items came from thoughts and ideas, and through inspired focus and action, the energy aligned into physical manifestation. That sounds scientific, but it’s true. All that we see as physical objects is energy that took shape into something that mind, body and soul created.

Taking this into account, living in current times is much easier and more convenient than ever before. Once upon a time, in order to contact someone on the other side of your country, your only option was to write a letter and mail it, wait for days for it to be delivered, and then wait several days or weeks to receive a letter back. In other times, if you wanted to learn about something that no one in your family could teach you, you had to go to a library and look up books in a card catalog and hope the right book was available. Now, with the Internet, any question you want an answer to is a few keystrokes and clicks away. Electronic emails are sent to people across the PLANET in seconds, and replies are nearly as fast. Even more instantaneous is social media and instant messaging, where you have real-time communication lines open and flowing back and forth, any time of day.

A lot of the advancements in human living have made it greatest time to be alive, but have also made many people more complacent and lazier than ever before. Click-to-deliver dinner tonight. Order household goods, clothes, toys all on Amazon and have them delivered in two days. Binge watching TV shows through streaming apps. Humanity left moderation at the altar, went on a blind date with convenience, yet somehow left dinner with manufactured lives and took them home to bed.

Now, people are relying on others to create solutions to their problems…relying on others to make them happy. All over media, people are being told how they should live, what they should want, who they should be, and it is listened to. People are getting depressed because they don’t look like those chiseled models in magazines. They are stressed at their financially limited lives, while marketing plasters those with mansions and vacations in such a way that it is only a dream. The collective thought really sounds like: will someone else show me how to live? There is a fundamental flaw in this.

In what seems like a prerequisite to our souls when arriving into these bodies, during these times, we forget our purpose for coming here. We spend many years getting to the point of clearing that fog, some of us not getting to that point before passing. For those who do clear the fog, there is an inevitable, universal finding that is key to the experience. There is a desire for the universe to expand, and that happens through us. The expansion happens through creation.

We come here to create.

Even more specifically, we come here to co-create with the universe (this our inner beings), with guides, and with others.

Taking a step back for a moment from co-creating, however…we come here to create. Think about that. As children, we have wild imaginations and play made up games for hours, without guidance from others. We become conditioned, accept responsibilities within the system, and stop allowing our creativity to flow the same. We decide that others should show us how to live, rather than creating our own lives based on our own desires.

How often have we seen that when we follow someone else’s steps to a destination that we think we want, we arrive there feeling slighted, as if it’s not all it was cracked up to be in our minds? We place so many limitations, doubts, and resistance in the way of being our own unique creators because we were conditioned over time to feel like we needed to get our path from others who have experienced human life before us, and we feel like we are doing it wrong when it doesn’t match those examples. Yet, the fact is, the trail we will blaze when we open up to ourselves will always be a road less traveled, because it will have our unique footprints and design on it that no one else will explore and experience the same way.

We are here to create our lives and experiences, not to have others create them for us. This is a lesson that has been building for me for a long time, and has been opening up more and more lately. I thought for a very long time that I wasn’t very creative. I thought I had a creative block. My mother was very artistic in paintings and drawings, and that passed down to my brothers…but I just couldn’t seem to translate on paper or canvas as well. I tried a variety of creative outlets that were shown to me, but ended up feeling like it just wasn’t on par with others. I thought to myself often that I was good at problem solving, and while it was easy to follow directions made by someone else to build something, even when applying my own uniqueness to it, I still questioned whether creativity skipped me.

What I slowly realized over time was quite interesting to me, though. I began to see how I kept looking to other people’s examples of creativity as paths I should take, and then allowed that icky feeling of “uncreative” swallow me when it didn’t compare. I went back into time in my mind, and found some examples where I was creative in my own unique way: as a child, I came up with a plan to invent a coconut milk machine that served drinks after watching a cartoon, and drew out how it would work. It didn’t matter that I didn’t actually build it, and I had no care in the world whether someone else already built one or not - the idea hit me and excited me. Another time in my youth, I wanted to be a professional wrestler, so I wrote the WWF a letter telling them my idea for my character and included drawings of my costume. The passion I remembered having for filling in the details on the costume to make myself stand out, is something easily overlooked, but key now in hindsight. In these specific examples, I wasn’t trying to follow someone else’s creativity to see if I could do it, I was simply doing what I was inspired to do. The creativity has been there all along, I have just allowed conditioning, media, others, and my own doubts and resistance get in the way.

It is important to each of us to know that, while it is not necessarily a bad thing to view and follow examples given to us in life, we ultimately make our own path and have our own experiences. There is no right or wrong way of creating your lives, despite what you may have been told. We will all have desires, take steps to achieve them, run into setbacks and obstacles, push forward and obtain, or in some cases never achieve - only to be led to something greater. We will all have ups and downs, and we will all be our own worst enemy if we blindly accept opinions of others or conditioning as our own limitations. We have a choice in every moment, and the free will, to create what we want. We can choose to be fearless when knowing that how we get there is not our business, and knowing that there will be times where we fall out of alignment…but if we have faith in our inner beings and trust that we are co-creating for the highest good of all, then those inspired thoughts and ideas will happen.

If you’re someone like me who has had blockages around creativity, know that it is ALWAYS inside of you. This website, the blogs I have written, this blog as I’m writing it…they are all creativity that I once doubted I had. I took inspiration and ran with it, throwing caution to the wind, and said if there is at least one person in the world that comes across anything I write, and is led to inspired growth in their life, then it is all worth it. These parts of my journey need to be shared, as it is my goal to help others heal and grow.

Also, don’t let an idea such as “everyone else is already doing it” get in your way. You will all create in your own unique way, offer unique value, and fulfill unique purposes. There is no competition to that, because there is no other YOU.

Coming full circle, the fruition of your creativity lies in co-creation with your inner being. You may have noticed that when you’ve tried creating something that wasn’t in alignment with your inner being, it didn’t feel right, didn’t quite work out, or left you second guessing yourself. As we know, your inner being is your GPS, guiding you through your path. Sometimes, you will create things that you want, to find out that it’s not really what you want. You will see the contrast in this, and if you are aware and take the path of least resistance, you will end up creating something for the greater good. Working in tandem with your inner being will not only take you where you want to truly go, but you will receive the inspiration to take the actions to create, without forcing anything. This will resonate deep inside as a synchronicity, as a sign of being on the right path, and will take that light inside of you and crank it up like a lantern being ignited. You will find excitement to create again, and again, and again.

Take a moment to reflect on where you are, right now, while reading this. If you are not already in such a place, take yourself to a room where it is quiet. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and calm your mind. Release any tension in your body. Ask yourself: what do I want to create right now? Listen to what messages come to you. Give yourself time to receive inspiration without rushing or forcing thought. Stay open to your inner being. When you have answers, either write them down, or carry them with you. Then, and only when you are inspired, take action steps on creating that which your inner being is guiding you on, one step at a time. Remember, you are writing your own story, and you have free reign on what it says. You came here to create, and to thus expand. This story of yours will not be cornered, for it is a market of one. Let that little kid in you shine again.